Standing room only event with Sioux Technologies and ASML on #julialang #SciML
RT @ChrisRackauckas
Are you in the London area and want to talk about scientific machine learning #sciml and #julialang? Then check out this meetup on April 21st where we will talk about physics-informed neural networks universal differential equations (#ude), and more!
Are you in the London area and want to talk about scientific machine learning #sciml and #julialang? Then check out this meetup on April 21st where we will talk about physics-informed neural networks universal differential equations (#ude), and more!
Why are biologists adopting #julialang #sciml? Performance, metaprogramming, and the development of new abstractions are improving software tools for #computationalbiology #systemsbiology #bioinformatics. Check out this new paper in Nature Methods!
#julialang #SciML #computationalbiology #systemsbiology #bioinformatics
📣 Calling all #sysbio tool developers and users! Applications for the "Systems biology: community needs, plans, and visions" discussion @JuliaCon are now open! Brainstorm future developments and collaborate with top players in the field. Limited to 10 participants.
#SciML #JuliaLang #JuliaCon2023
➡️Apply now:
➡️More info:
#sysbio #SciML #julialang #juliacon2023
@ml4science @unituebingen 🚨 Just 4 days left to apply to join our team!
Are you passionate about ML, scientific datasets, and clean performant code? Would you like to feed your passion for science on cutting-edge research, from archaeology to particle physics, and share your experiences in workshops, blog posts, and talks?
If so, we at the MLColab at @ml4science @unituebingen are looking for you! For details, see #ML #SciML #FOSS #JuliaLang #Python #jobs
#jobs #python #julialang #foss #SciML #ml
Are you passionate about ML, scientific datasets, and clean performant code? Would you like to feed your passion for science on cutting-edge research, from archaeology to particle physics, and share your experiences in workshops, blog posts, and talks?
If so, we at the MLColab at @ml4science @unituebingen are looking for you! For details and to apply to join our team, see #ML #SciML #FOSS #JuliaLang #Python #jobs
#jobs #python #julialang #foss #SciML #ml
Are you passionate about ML, scientific datasets, and clean performant code? Would you like to feed your passion for science on cutting-edge research, from archaeology to particle physics, and share your experiences in workshops, blog posts, and talks?
If so, we at the MLColab at @ml4science @unituebingen are looking for you! For details and to apply to join our team, see #ML #SciML #FOSS #JuliaLang #Python #jobs
#jobs #python #julialang #foss #SciML #ml
SIAM CSE talk today! Stop by at 2pm if you want to hear some high level discussion of the #SciML common interface and the connection of scientific machine learning to symbolic-numeric computing.
#SIAMCSE23 Room G105
#julialang #sciml Simulation code that works with NVIDIA GPUs, Apple Silicon GPUs, Intel GPUs, and AMD GPUs? And outperforms #jax by 10x? Oh man, these results are looking good. I cannot wait to be able to share this! Follow if you want more information the moment it's public!
@SciML_Org in real-world applications! University of Maryland received $46 million dollars in Federal funding through DARPA for the development of an artificial blood product and is using the DeepPumas tech stack built on #sciml #julialang.
Interested in doing system identification in a fast and easy way? Check out this tutorial on using #julia #julialang's #SciML and #control suites for doing system identification in real-world scenarios!
#julia #julialang #SciML #control
Interested in accurately simulating HVAC systems and buildings, handling the difficult physics of things like two phase flows? Check this sneak peak of the #JuliaSim Building Library! Features ModelingToolkit transforming a 17,000 equation model to 2,600!
For more information on using #julialang #sciml in such production scenarios, check out
New Year's Day Hack:
Running Julia on my smartphone 😃
Google Pixel 4, running CalyxOS, Termux, Ubuntu 22.04.
I thought it might be unusable, but to the contrary: installing and compiling #ModelingToolkit and all dependencies took only 144 seconds!
#termux #android #julialang #SciML #modelingtoolkit
RT @ChrisRackauckas
The new #julialang #SciML documentation is close. One big piece just dropped: the SciML workshop, pre-built exercises for running workshops (and courses) with SciML! Some of the exercises have answers and hints, some do not... so use them as HW problems!
The new SciML documentation is almost out now. One big piece just came online: the SciML workshop, pre-built exercises for running workshops (and courses) with SciML! Some of the exercises have answers and hints, some do not... so use them as HW problems!
#julialang #SciML #differentialequations #machinelearning
The new SciML documentation is almost out now. One big piece just came online: the SciML workshop, pre-built exercises for running workshops (and courses) with SciML! Some of the exercises have answers and hints, some do not... so use them as HW problems!
#julialang #SciML #differentialequations #machinelearning
I'm giving a tutorial on using #julialang for #sciml and other goodies at the 2022 Australian Data Mining conference in Sydney. The material, still a tad work in progress, and thought more as a base for me live coding, but you'll find it here:
RT @ChrisRackauckas
Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations via DifferentialEquations.jl. Fast finite element fluid dynamics via the #julialang #sciml libraries.
Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations via DifferentialEquations.jl. Fast finite element fluid dynamics via the #julialang #sciml libraries