Zahl der Studierenden zurückgegangen #Science
Il y a 126 ans, Marie Curie donne naissance à sa première fille Irène (1897-1956). Elle suivra les pas de ses parents et travaillera aux côté de sa mère. Avec son époux, elle s'intéresse à la radioactivité artificiel, ce qui lui vaudra un Prix Nobel avec son époux.
#womeninscience #onthisday #chimie #science
#womeninscience #OnThisDay #chimie #Science
Invasive Rote Feuerameise nun auch in #Europa #Science
Mimikry: Käfer trägt Termitenattrappe auf dem Rücken #Science
👀 How do we study #cancer? You're watching the cryosectioning of a liver biopsy containing metastatic colon tumor. The staining allows for the visualization of cellular abnormalities & tissue architecture >
Thanks to Ilaria Mulas from our Computational Biology Research Centre!
#science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole
#cancer #Science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole
Mobiles Labor für Katastropheneinsätze geht in Betrieb #Science
Nouvel article de Ornithomedia ! Une arrivée sans précédent d’Hirondelles à front blanc en Islande à la fin du mois d’août 2023
Lien :
#ornithomedia #news #biodiversity #science #ornithology
#ornithomedia #news #biodiversity #Science #ornithology
Invasive Rote Feuerameise nun auch in #Europa #Science
Hobbys heben Wohlbefinden bei Älteren #Science
Mitschöpfer von Klonschaf Dolly gestorben #Science
Nouvel article de Faune-France ! Tarente, le Gecko qui grimpe illico
Lien :
#faunefrance #biodiversity #ornithology #science
#faunefrance #biodiversity #ornithology #Science
Blue-Green algae is filling rivers with toxic sludge.
Harmful algal blooms are taking over as the world warms and grows richer in carbon dioxide—and there’s no easy fix.
“It’s starting to build. Tomorrow, you’ll find that there’s clumps like that all over the river—and then the day after that there’ll be more and more”.
#NorthernIreland #Ireland #Rivers #Water #CarbonDioxide #Algae #Science
#Science #algae #carbondioxide #Water #rivers #Ireland #NorthernIreland
Niedrige Trikotnummern machen schlanker #Science
Heute schon geile turbo #plots gemacht. #science #data #no2 #emissions
#plots #Science #data #NO2 #emissions
Is the lack of published non-significant results the fault of reviewers and editors refusing to publish them, or do researchers refuse to even write such results up? Interesting article using pre print servers to suggest the latter is the explanation… #preprint #scientificpublishing #Science
#Science #scientificpublishing #preprint
Yo no sé si es que el polvo del cacao penetra en los poros de la galleta y la aísla de la leche. Ya sabemos que el cacao es muy poco soluble en leche.
September 10, 2008 - Launch of the Large Hadron Collider (#LHC) at #CERN #science
#Zika Virus #References (by AMEDEO, September 10 ’23), #science #medicine #library #arbovirus #flavivirus #mosquitoes
#zika #references #Science #medicine #library #arbovirus #Flavivirus #mosquitoes