Hi, I'm Trystan (they/them)! I'm the director of #CornellUniversity's #history and #ethics of #engineering program. I teach #ethicsOfTechnology, and help engineering instructors incorporate ethics into their courses. My Ph.D. is in #philosophy, and I write about #responsibility, #epistemicInjustice, and #education. I have side interests in #queerTheory, #gameStudies, #feminism, #pedagogy, and #scienceAndTechnologyStudies
#CornellUniversity #history #ethics #engineering #ethicsoftechnology #philosophy #responsibility #EpistemicInjustice #education #queertheory #gamestudies #feminism #pedagogy #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies
New working paper on "Testing ‘AI’: Do we have a situation?" based on conversation between @NoortjeMarres and Philippe Sormani: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/06/08/testing-ai/
#ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #sts #commodon #testing #ai
"AS ABOVE, SO BELOW draws inspiration from microbiologist Lynn Margulis’ creative scientific vision to illuminate the interconnectedness of life, from microbial to planetary bodies."
21-22 April at Science Gallery London:
#london #gaia #sts #scienceandtechnologystudies #ecology #climatechange #multispecies #film #books
#london #gaia #sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ecology #climatechange #multispecies #film #books
"loud men talking loudly: exclusionary cultures of internet governance" - new research from @C__CS + critical infrastructure lab on intersecting dynamics of exclusion at Internet Engineering Task Force: https://www.criticalinfralab.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/LoudMen-CorinneCath-CriticalInfraLab.pdf
#criticalinfralab #infrastructure #infrastructurestudies #sts #scienceandtechnologystudies #commodon
#criticalinfralab #infrastructure #infrastructurestudies #sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #commodon
Next week back at Sciences Po, Paris with @lbngr for a talk on "repurposing digital media for collective inquiry", reflecting on 6 years of projects and activities with the @publicdatalab: https://jonathangray.org/2023/03/24/medialab-talk
It will be first time back since Bruno Latour died last year, which is still sinking in (gathering pieces here: https://www.are.na/jonathan-gray/remembering-bruno ... )
#STS #datastudies #infrastructurestudies #paris #digitalmethods #participatoryresearch #collectiveinquiry #newmediastudies #newmedia #commodon #scienceandtechnologystudies #ecology #criticalzones
#sts #datastudies #infrastructurestudies #paris #digitalmethods #ParticipatoryResearch #collectiveinquiry #newmediastudies #newmedia #commodon #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ecology #CriticalZones
We are now hiring for 10 new permanent academic positions in our department:
Please help us share with those who might be interested!
- Lecturer in Digital Humanities and Cultural Computation
- Lecturer in Digital Economy and Innovation
- Lecturer in Digital Culture and Race
- Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Ethics, AI and Society
- Lecturer in Digital Humanities
- Lecturer in Gender and Digital Culture Education
- Reader in Digital Humanities and Culture Education
- Senior Lecturer in Professional Education
- Lecturer in Digital Content Management Education
- Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture Education
#ai #artificialintelligence #commondon #culturalcomputation #contentmanagement #digitalculture #digitaleconomy, #digitalhumanities #digitalmedia #dh #ethics #gender #genderstudies #innovation #internetstudies #jobs #mediastudies #newmedia #newmediastudies #education #race #racestudies #scienceandtechnologystudies #sts
#ai #artificialintelligence #commondon #culturalcomputation #contentmanagement #digitalculture #digitaleconomy #digitalhumanities #Digitalmedia #dh #ethics #gender #genderstudies #innovation #internetstudies #jobs #mediastudies #newmedia #newmediastudies #Education #race #racestudies #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #sts
Bringing back my substack after 2.5 years with a wee pondering about one of the central questions I'm looking into for my PhD on corporate futurism:
‘How dare they?'
#futurism #substack #economicsociology #sociology #sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies
#futurism #substack #economicsociology #sociology #sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies
Bruno Latour (1947–2022)
Philosopher and anthropologist who revolutionized ideas about science in practice.
#BrunoLatour #Scienceandtechnologystudies #science in action
"Bruno Latour upended received wisdom on the nature of scientific truth. His proposition that scientific facts are constructed through networks of human and non-human actors initially outraged many."", he devised Actor–Network Theory (ANT)" 1/2
#brunolatour #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #science
A tiny addition about my pre-Japan life. Before I moved to Japan and began researching #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies, sociology of computing (#UbiquitousComputing/#PervasiveComputing/#IOT) and things like that, I did my PhD in Sociology off the construction and maintenance of a ‘sense of community’ in contemporary #Paganism in the UK. Prior to that I studied a lot of #Occultism (mainly Western Ritual Magic), so even though I’m not involved at all anymore I still enjoy seeing it pop up in movies.
#ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ubiquitouscomputing #paganism #occultism
A tiny addition about my pre-Japan life. Before I moved to Japan and began researching #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies, sociology of computing (#UbiquitousComputing/#PervasiveComputing/#IOT) and things like that, I did my PhD in Sociology on the construction and maintenance of a ‘sense of community’ in contemporary #Paganism in the UK. Prior to that I studied a lot of #Occultism (mainly Western Ritual Magic), so even though I’m not involved at all anymore I still enjoy seeing it pop up in movies.
#ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ubiquitouscomputing #paganism #occultism
Hello Mastodon! I am a postdoctoral researcher based at Erasmus University Rotterdam in 🇳🇱 My PhD research focussed on #knowledgetranslation in #globalhealth. In particular, I built on insights from #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies to ethnographically study the role of mundane work in translating research. In my new role, I seek to connect the health care governance, disaster management, and flood risk worlds in research and practice. #STS #KT #academia #erasmusuniversiteit #HSR #PDPC
#pdpc #hsr #erasmusuniversiteit #academia #kt #sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #globalhealth #knowledgetranslation
Yay! One more step away from the birdsite: our @sts-ens@assemblag.es group is now part of the fediverse! #sts #scienceandtechnologystudies #viadrina
#sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #viadrina
Does anybode know of any STS-y literatur on tables (not the furniture kind)? E.G. as ordering devices or on the work they do in supporting arguments? i guess this could be linked to work on categorization, but I am interested in tables, their affordances, their visuality, their clear boundaries in particular.
#sciencestudies #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies
#Introduction - Hi! I spent part of my career in #ScienceJournalism. In the last ten years, I have been analyzing scientific controversies - first, in my master's (access to #CBD in #Brazil); then, controversies involving the causality of #ZikaVirus in fetal anomalies (#PhD). Now, at #VOICES, an international project about #OpenScience. Working with #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #SociologyOfHealthAndIllness
#ScienceCommunication #CitizenScience #LayExpertise #QualitativeResearch. Let's talk!
#qualitativeresearch #layexpertise #citizenscience #sciencecommunication #sociologyofhealthandillness #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #OpenScience #voices #phd #zikavirus #Brazil #cbd #ScienceJournalism #introduction
Science & Technology Studies -journal is seeking new editors. If you are interested, see the call: https://sciencetechnologystudies.journal.fi/announcement/view/510
#sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies
#sts #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies
Have been feeling inspired after doing some work assembling communities that I'm really interested in - thought I'd do a tag dump for some of the areas that I'm looking into, as well as have already found super interesting, have been following and am boosting... (not in alphabetical order and probably too broad but for my own future reference also!)
#Tag heap:
#Abolition #ACAB #ADHD #Affect #AffectStudies #AntiImperialism #AntiColonialism #AntiRacism #Archiving #Archives #Art #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Boardgames #ClimateChange #Coffee #Commons #CriticalTheory #CinemaStudies #Communities #CulturalStudies #Decolonisation #Design #Disabled #DigitalCommons #DigitalCulture #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #Diversity #EDI #EnglishLiterature #Feminism #Feministsts #FilmStudies #FreeSoftware #Games #Gaming #Geopolitics #Geography #Hauntology #HCI #HumanComputerInteraction
#HigherEd #HigherEducation #History #Histodians #Incarceration #Inclusion #InfrastructureStudies #InternetStudies #London #LowTech #Media #MediaStudies #Museum #Museums #Musicals #OpenPedagogy #ParticipatoryDesign #Pedagogy #PoliceAbolition #Philosophy #Photography #Praxis #Prisons #PrisonAbolition #Preservation #Progressive #Politics #Postmodernism #PublicEducation
#Running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #SocialInclusion #SocialMobility #SocialTheory #Socialism #SocialJustice #Sociology #Sociodon #Sociodons #Solidarity #SoftwareStudies #SoundScapes #Skeuomorphism #SpeculativeFiction #STS #Technology #Trans #UK #VanLife #VideoGames #University #Zines
Also I suppose really this is a second #Introduction after the #TwitterMigration as I'm still relatively #NewHere so... Hi again! Feel free to follow or boost if this sounds like your areas of interest also
#tag #Abolition #acab #adhd #affect #AffectStudies #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Archiving #archives #Art #blacklivesmatter #blm #boardgames #ClimateChange #coffee #commons #criticaltheory #cinemastudies #communities #culturalstudies #decolonisation #design #disabled #digitalcommons #digitalculture #DigitalCultures #digitalhumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #diversity #edi #englishliterature #feminism #FeministSTS #filmstudies #freesoftware #games #gaming #geopolitics #geography #hauntology #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #highered #highereducation #history #histodians #incarceration #inclusion #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #london #lowtech #media #mediastudies #museum #museums #musicals #openpedagogy #participatorydesign #pedagogy #policeabolition #philosophy #photography #praxis #prisons #prisonabolition #preservation #progressive #politics #postmodernism #publiceducation #running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #socialinclusion #socialmobility #socialtheory #socialism #socialjustice #sociology #sociodon #sociodons #solidarity #softwarestudies #soundscapes #Skeuomorphism #speculativefiction #sts #technology #trans #uk #vanlife #videogames #university #zines #Introduction #twittermigration #newhere
I’m a postdoc at the University of Exeter, working on social and cultural dimensions of circular economy (among other things). Interested in STS, sociology of culture/science/tech and critical theory. Recently migrated here from mastodon.social. Let’s toot! #circulareconomy #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #sociology #criticaltheory #universityofexeter
#CircularEconomy #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #sociology #criticaltheory #universityofexeter
In 1985 I published a book that showed how resilient biological ideas abt male-female inequality were, even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary. So I realized I had to understand more about #scienceasculturalknowledge which led to a 20yr sojourn c/ #scienceandtechnologystudies. Now a young scholar is joining the fields; it makes me happy that as I finish up my work, their's continues.
#scienceasculturalknowledge #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #alutacontinua #sexisamess #gender #beyondthebinary
University of Purdue is looking for an Assistant Profesor in The History of Genomics. Ph.D in History, History of Science, or Science and Technology Studies is required
#History #Historyofscience #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ScienceandTechDep
#ScienceandTechDep #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #historyofscience #history
Okay, got this place sorted enough that it's time for #introduction. Part of the Great #TwitterMigration of '22, #sociologist, #ScienceandTechnologyStudies scholar, #technofeminist, rabblerouser, #SFF geek. Doing #socialrobots at the moment, but broadly interested in #scienceandsociety: engaged, emergent, fictional & otherwise. Oh, and I also use #LegoSeriousPlay for teaching and research.
#Introduction #twittermigration #sociologist #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #technofeminist #sff #socialrobots #scienceandsociety #legoseriousplay