The Grand Debunk of the #antivaxxer book “Turtles All the Way Down” (part 1/10) #vaccineswork #vaccines #MMR #ScienceBasedMedicine #ScienceMastodon #medicine
#antivaxxer #vaccineswork #vaccines #MMR #ScienceBasedMedicine #ScienceMastodon #medicine
Good post from @gorskon today at #ScienceBasedMedicine on the hype of "#AI powered" scanning ans screening tests. Not surprisingly, the evidence doesn't seem to be there to back the claims.
Great post from @gorskon about EBM methodolatry (CC Vinay Prasad) | #ScienceBasedMedicine
Peter Gøtzsche teams with an #antivaxxer to exaggerate the harms of #COVID-19 #vaccines | | via @gorskon #ScienceBasedMedicine
#antivaxxer #COVID #vaccines #ScienceBasedMedicine
Ivermectin booster Dr. Tess Lawrie goes all-in for #homeopathy for #COVID and long COVID | via @gorskon | #ScienceBasedMedicine #ivermectin #longcovid
#homeopathy #COVID #ScienceBasedMedicine #ivermectin #LongCovid
The New Republic on a two decade war against medical quackery featuring @gorskon at #ScienceBasedMedicine
#Vaccines and infant mortality rates: A false relationship promoted by the #antivaxxers…again, 12 years later | #ScienceBasedMedicine | @gorskon
#vaccines #antivaxxers #ScienceBasedMedicine
From @gorskon writing at #ScienceBasedMedicine today "COVID-19 is a leading cause of death among children, but that doesn’t stop some of my colleagues from arguing against vaccinating them" |
Dr. Howard asks, “Should We Accept #Unvaccinated Children Dying of #COVID as a ‘Matter of Course’? ”| #ScienceBasedMedicine #vaccines
#unvaccinated #COVID #ScienceBasedMedicine #vaccines
Pushing #Naturopathy in Canada - by Steven Novella, writing at #ScienceBasedMedicine
#naturopathy #ScienceBasedMedicine
How #antivaxxers laid the groundwork to blame #COVID-19 #vaccines for Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest via @gorskon at #ScienceBasedMedicine :
#antivaxxers #COVID #vaccines #ScienceBasedMedicine
Was 2022 the “year of the gaslighter” with respect to COVID-19? | via @gorskon at #ScienceBasedMedicine
Last week, our founder Dr. Steven Novella discussed what the #sciencebasedmedicine blog has accomplished over the last 15 years. I’m going to discuss lessons learned, what has changed, and remaining huge challenges. Unfortunately, after the pandemic, our position in 2022 reminds me even more than ever of Aragorn at the Black Gate of Mordor, but that does not mean things are hopeless.
Projection, thy name is Dr. Vinay Prasad : #COVID19 #ScienceBasedMedicine
#COVID19 #ScienceBasedMedicine
Enjoyed this "Body of Evidence" podcast discussion between Dr. Christopher Labos and Jonathan Jarry (are they on Mastodon?) and Dr. Jonathan Howard on "contrarian" doctors who deny the consequences of #COVID (particularly in children) and discount the effectiveness of #vaccines and #masks. #ScienceBasedMedicine
#COVID #vaccines #masks #ScienceBasedMedicine
After 15 years, what's the status of @sciencebasedmed? What's the difference between SBM and EBM? #sciencebasedmedicine #evidencebasedmedicine #SBM #EBM
#ScienceBasedMedicine #EvidenceBasedMedicine #sbm #ebm
Formal #intro
Pan-Romantic Heterosexual Gender-Fluid Male
#Guyanese #SoCa #WestIndies #Canadian #Alberta #Edmonton
Interested in:
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In any given choice I will almost always choose both.
Only Sith deal in absolutes.
#intro #guyanese #soca #WestIndies #canadian #alberta #edmonton #ScienceBasedMedicine #philosophy #phenomenology #genetics #pharmacogenetics #physics #chemistry #jrpg #dragonquest #finalfantasy #xenogears #KingdomHearts #microsoftengineer #ubuntu #linux #fortinet #nse #cybersecurity #humanist #SciFi #fantasy #tromafilms #mst3k #adventuretime
Do #COVID-19 vaccines cause “turbo cancer”? via @gorskon #ScienceBasedMedicine
No, ER misdiagnoses are not killing 250,000 per year via @kmpanthagani h/t @markhoofnagle #ScienceBasedMedicine
A systematic review of systematic reviews of #acupuncture #ScienceBasedMedicine
#acupuncture #ScienceBasedMedicine