New paper from the Science Everywhere project in AERJ! My collaborators are awesome.
Clegg, T., Hernly, K., @ahnjune, @jasoncyip., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., & @carolinerpitt. (2023). Changing Lanes: Relational Dispositions That Fuel Community Science Learning. American Educational Research Journal.
#education #learningSciences #EduTooters #communitylearning #InformalEd #informallearning #edresearch #science #sciencelearning
#education #learningsciences #edutooters #communitylearning #informaled #informalLearning #edresearch #science #ScienceLearning
Someone made a good point!
I pulled #ApproachableScience out of my arse as I love learning new things but I find scientific papers hard to get through.
I love hearing from the scientists who get excited by their work and who want to share it with a wider audience.
I want my sources cited, but also cliffnotes! But I enjoy the #Arts, too. So maybe #ApproachableAcedemics would be better?
#Science #ScienceLearning #Education #TheMoreYouKnow #Acedemics
#acedemics #themoreyouknow #education #ScienceLearning #science #approachableacedemics #arts #approachablescience
My Spintronics kits arrived today! The Kickstarter closed in June 2021, and it would be impressive to get such high quality products this fast without any of the supply chain issues! 140 pages of beautiful illustrations in just the first book. Paul and Upper Story have really outdone themselves. ⚙️⚡
#Spintronics #ScienceLearning #Electricity #circuits
#spintronics #ScienceLearning #electricity #circuits
Hi Mastodon! I'm Candice, a professor of #developmental #psychology at UT Dallas. I study children's #thinking and #learning.
Much of my research examines the development of #skepticism: how children come to recognize limits of their own knowledge as well as limits of claims made by others.
#Santa #ScienceLearning #intellectualhumility #teamscience #Skepticism #learning #thinking #psychology #developmental #introductions