RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#ITALYย ๐ฎ๐น University of Parma (@unipr): Several open opportunities, see web site for the text of the calls. Scholars from Ukraine are welcome to apply!
โ๏ธ flavia.evandri@unipr.it
๐ https://www.unipr.it/en/ucraina
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#FINLANDย ๐ซ๐ฎ Currently, the research group โQuasiworld Network of Northern Finlandโ at @UniOulu has an opportunity to fund a mathematical researcher for 6 months.
โ๏ธ bique@oulu.fi
๐ https://sylvestereriksson.wordpress.com/job-posititions/
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#GERMANYย ๐ฉ๐ช The NISE department at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (@mpi_msp) is looking for motivated Postdocs and Ph.D. students.
โ๏ธ michael.strauch@mpi-halle.mpg.de
๐ https://www.mpi-halle.mpg.de/nise/open-positions
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#TAIWANย ๐น๐ผ National Chung Cheng University (@nccu1927): One postdoc position on the research of fuel cells, water electrolysis, and flow batteries.
โ๏ธ imeysc@ccu.edu.tw
๐ https://sites.google.com/site/ccumefuelcell/employment
At @l3s_luh@twitter.com we work on an @DAAD_Germany@twitter.com #Ukraine digital project supporting #Ukrainian universities with #onlineEducation. We have funded #scholarships for Ukrainian #students and #PhDstudents for 6 months. Please share and get back if interested. #ScienceForUkraine
#Scienceforukraine #phdstudents #students #scholarships #onlineeducation #ukrainian #Ukraine
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#BRAZIL ๐ง๐ท Open paid position to researcher/professor on PLANT PHYSIOLOGY area for 12 to 24 months, at Federal University of Lavras (@uflabr).
๐ Deadline: May 31, 2023.
โ๏ธ paulo.marchiori@ufla.br
๐ https://www.ufla.br
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#PORTUGAL ๐ต๐น University of Coimbra (@UnivdeCoimbra): Research fellowship (Postdoctoral Researcher), under the project Kinder-GUT (@FundlaCaixa) Position in #CNCGroup @cnc_uc led by @Manuela82730711.
๐ Deadline: March 3, 2023.
๐ https://apply.uc.pt/explore/scholarships
#ScienceForUkraine https://twitter.com/cnc_uc/status/1625485538735329282
#portugal #cncgroup #Scienceforukraine
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#BRAZIL ๐ง๐ท Math Department of @pucriooficial offers full-time fully paid professorsโ chairs with initial contracts of 3 years, as well as grants for postdocs and students.
โ๏ธ sergey@puc-rio.br
๐ http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/positions-at-the-mathematics-department-puc-rio
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#GERMANY ๐ฉ๐ช The Centre for East European and International Studies (@ZOiS_Berlin) is awarding different fellowships for the year 2023.
๐ Deadline: March 10, 2023.
โ๏ธ unet@zois-berlin.de
๐ https://www.zois-berlin.de/ueber-uns/aktuelles/bmbf/zois-scholarships-for-ukrainian-scholars
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#USA ๐บ๐ธ The Fulbright Program (@FulbrightUA) is the oldest and most prestigious international program for exchange of scholars and students funded by the US government. Call for annual competitions.
๐ https://fulbright.org.ua/en/
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#GERMANY ๐ฉ๐ช The Centre for East European and International Studies (@ZOiS_Berlin) is awarding different fellowships for the year 2023.
๐ Deadline: March 10, 2023.
โ๏ธ unet@zois-berlin.de
๐ https://www.zois-berlin.de/ueber-uns/aktuelles/bmbf/zois-scholarships-for-ukrainian-scholars
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#ITALY ๐ฎ๐น @BiblHertz โ @maxplanckpress for Art History is offering emergency grants to Ukrainian art historians with support from the @GettyFoundation.
๐ Deadline: Feb 5, 2023.
โ๏ธ grantforurkaine@gmail.com
๐ https://www.biblhertz.it/3320358/230117_Grants-for-Art-Historians-in-Ukraine
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#WORLDWIDE ๐ Ukraine Global Faculty: Support for world-class EDUCATION is critical for rebuilding Ukraine, developing human capital, and boosting the economy.
๐ https://ugf.academy/about-us/
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#NETHERLANDS ๐ณ๐ฑ @univgroningen: Reduced (EU) admission fees for Ukrainian students for the current academic year. Opportunity for living allowance extended โฌ900 per mo.
โ๏ธ isr@rug.nl
๐ https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/latest-news/news/archief2022/nieuwsberichten/frequently-asked-questions-invasion-ukraine
#netherlands #Scienceforukraine #DutchScienceForUkraine
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#NETHERLANDS ๐ณ๐ฑ @Radboud_Uni: Reduced (EU) admission fees for Ukrainian students for the current academic year. Financial help is available via an Emergency Fund.
โ๏ธ admissions@ru.nl
๐ https://www.ru.nl/en/about-us/news-and-agenda/war-in-ukraine
#netherlands #Scienceforukraine #DutchScienceForUkraine
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#INTERNATIONAL ๐ @EMBO: The grants will be available as 1-year stipends for:
- researchers working on PhD thesis
- postdoc researchers
- research stays by scientists at the professorial & group leader level
๐ https://www.embo.org/funding/fellowships-grants-and-career-support/embo-solidarity-grants/
#international #Scienceforukraine
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#SLOVAKIA ๐ธ๐ฐ @ComeniusUni: Looking for a postdoc on the international project @CEMBO_EU โ developing Excellence in the Research Area of Combating & Evaluation of Mixed Biofilms.
โ๏ธ helena.bujdakova@uniba.sk
๐ https://cembo.eu/
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#USA ๐บ๐ธ @NCIResearchCtr: Postdoctoral position (3+ years) is available immediately for candidates with prior training in the area of immunology and cancer.
โ๏ธ sternecg@mail.nih.gov
๐ https://ccr.cancer.gov/staff-directory/esta-sterneck
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#USA ๐บ๐ธ @Yale University: The Huckins Lab is recruiting 2 postdoctoral researchers with expertise in genetics, statistical genetics, or psychiatry
โ๏ธ laura.huckins@yale.edu
๐ https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/laura-huckins/
@LauraHuckins @YalePsych @YaleMed
RT @Sci_for_Ukraine
#USA ๐บ๐ธ @HURI_Harvard Research Fellowships in Ukrainian Studies for a single academic term to scholars engaged in research pertaining to Ukraine.
๐ Deadline Jan 31
โ๏ธ duncansmith@fas.harvard.edu
๐ https://huri.harvard.edu/HURI-research-fellowships