Forschungsbetrug ist schlimm, klar! Manchmal richtet er aber gar nicht so viel Schaden an, wie viele meinen. Weil diejenigen im Feld schon lange „etwas ahnten“ – und weil der "Flurfunk" ihres Netzwerks funktioniert …
— Heute in unserer Freitags-Kolumne:
#forschung #ScientificIntegrity #Science #sciencemastodon
Interesting analysis from UCS researchers looking at the #EJ repercussions of Trump's attacks on federal science. #ScientificIntegrity
@ultracricket Wow, that's really terrible!
DOE should really have a #ScientificIntegrity policy that clearly allows scientists to speak their minds on issues of importance (so long as they make it clear they are not representing the agency...)
I thought that asking for people's consent BEFORE putting them as co-author of a paper was a minimum of scientific integrity. Am I the only one? #esr #nlp #ethics #scientificintegrity
#esr #nlp #ethics #ScientificIntegrity
"I no longer wish to be part of an organization that is unable to see the forest for the timber."
Widely respected Forester Herb Hammond resigns from the Association of BC Forest Professionals.
#forestry #BC #Watershed #ScientificIntegrity #IndustrialLogging #WaterQuality #ForestEcology
#forestry #bc #watershed #ScientificIntegrity #industriallogging #waterquality #Forestecology
Dear #Microscopy people, I am looking for a reference (something authoritative) on #ScientificIntegrity and #BestPractices for bioimages: don't cut and paste, use linear contrast, that sort of thing. I know publishers have rules, but is there an agreed upon resource for that?
Feel free to RT 😃
#microscopy #ScientificIntegrity #bestpractices
Apparently, when some scientific journals publish an Expression of Concern on an article, they don't display it on the article itself. So, readers have no way of knowing an EoC exists, which rather defeats the purpose.
Refuse to review for or submit to journals that do this, & tell them why.
#ScientificIntegrity #PublishingEthics #AcademicJournals #publishing
#publishing #AcademicJournals #PublishingEthics #ScientificIntegrity