Unexpected gift from my ISP! Yes, I said ISP!🤯 20 years I've been with Zen Internet and I've just received a huge box of goodies as an anniversary present! No complaints about the service and now I think I may actually be in love with them. 💝 Scones!! : Why is there no scone emoji? : #ZenInternet #ISP #London #CustomerService #Scones #Cream #Jam
#jam #cream #Scones #customerservice #London #isp #zeninternet
I'm not entirely sure why Google is celebrating scones today, but I highly approve of the mention. Homemade scones--proper scones, not the triangular American travesties--are one of our family's great culinary joys. Afternoon tea is a proud tradition at our house. Maybe we'll have scones again soon. #Food #Tea #Scones
@Martranslations doe rustig aan! Scones kun je altijd een andere keer maken. Ik heb ook altijd zo’n potje clotted cream op voorraad voor het geval ik zin of tijd heb (of ze ergens gekocht heb) #scones
Another first: scones, from a Richard Bertinet recipe; so, a Dutch guy following a Frenchman's instructions to make an English classic.
Culinary appropriation squared.
They look all right, though I should have used a knife to cut the dough into squares and not my scraper; they're a bit untidy.
Anyway, I baked twelve, froze four and will give this lot away. (They're too sweet for me really but the recipe sounded fun, so I wanted to try it out.)
#homebakedscones #richardbertinet #Scones
I made some homemade scones and clotted cream recently, and it was YUMMY! #clottedcream #TimeForTea #teatime #SoGood #yummy #baking #Scones #baker
#baker #Scones #baking #yummy #SoGood #teatime #TimeForTea #clottedcream
I made some homemade scones and clotted cream recently, and it was YUMMY! #clottedcream #TimeForTea #teatime #SoGood #yummy #baking #Scones #baker
#baker #Scones #baking #yummy #SoGood #teatime #TimeForTea #clottedcream
Homemade clotted cream cat-burgler!! #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #siamese #siamesecat #clottedcream #Scones #tea #cat #cats
#Cats #Cat #Tea #Scones #clottedcream #siamesecat #siamese #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
Homemade clotted cream cat-burgler!! #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #siamese #siamesecat #clottedcream #Scones #tea #cat #cats
#Cats #Cat #Tea #Scones #clottedcream #siamesecat #siamese #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
#Scones - Variante 2021
500g (ggf. glutenfreies) Mehl
1 Pkg. Backpulver
1 EL Zucker
1 TL Salz
125g Magarine
in Flöckchen dazugeben und mit den Händen zu krümeligem Teig kneten.
250g Naturjoghurt
2 Eier
vermischen und kurz unter Mehlgemisch kneten.
Locker ausrollen (2-3cm dick), mit Glas ausstechen und 15 Min. bei 200°C (Umluft 180°C) backen.
Fazit erster Versuch: geschmacklich ok, sind trotz ganzem Päckchen Backpulver nicht aufgegangen. Nochmal...