3 Teams Who Could Target Evgeny Kuznetsov This Summer
The Washington Capitals have been immensely disappointing during the 2022-23 season, and changes are expected to be made this summer because of it. The biggest Capital to watch ...
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#CarolinaHurricanes #ColoradoAvalanche #StLouisBlues #WashingtonCapitals #EvgenyKuznetsov #JakeNeighbours #ScottMorrow #SeanBehrens
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#carolinahurricanes #coloradoavalanche #stlouisblues #washingtoncapitals #evgenykuznetsov #JakeNeighbours #ScottMorrow #seanbehrens #nhl #hockey
2023 NHL Trade Deadline: 3 Potential Landing Spots for Duchene
While on TSN Insider Trading earlier this week, NHL insider Pierre LeBrun reported that the Nashville Predators could listen to offers for several key players if t...
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#CarolinaHurricanes #DetroitRedWings #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #MattDuchene #ScottMorrow #ShakirMukhamadullin #WilliamWallinder
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#DetroitRedWings #nashvillepredators #carolinahurricanes #newjerseydevils #MattDuchene #ScottMorrow #ShakirMukhamadullin #WilliamWallinder #nhl #hockey
Canucks Potential Return in Horvat Trade with Hurricanes
TSN's Pierre LeBrun reported the Carolina Hurricanes checked in on Vancouver Canucks captain Bo Horvat. Originally reported a week ago, LeBrun noted the price for Horvat is too steep for the Hurricanes as the Canucks as...
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#CarolinaHurricanes #VancouverCanucks #BoHorvat #JesperiKotkaniemi #ScottMorrow #SethJarvis
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#nhl #vancouvercanucks #ScottMorrow #hockey #carolinahurricanes #BoHorvat #JesperiKotkaniemi #SethJarvis