#ScottRitter: 2023 will be our last year on the planet
VIDEO: Weapons Expert Says #Putin Will Eliminate #Zelensky After Drone Attack On #Kremlin
Former #UN weapons inspector #ScottRitter breaks down #Russia's retaliatory strategy following attempted assassination of #VladimirPutin. https://www.newswars.com/video-weapons-expert-says-putin-will-eliminate-zelensky-after-drone-attack-on-kremlin/
#vladimirputin #russia #ScottRitter #un #kremlin #zelensky #putin
You won't want to miss this episode of the #HealthRangerReport
#hyperglidevehicles #nuclearmissiles #russia #ScottRitter #HealthRangerReport
You won't want to miss this episode of the #HealthRangerReport
#ScottRitter #Russia #nuclearmissiles #hyperglidevehicles
#hyperglidevehicles #nuclearmissiles #russia #ScottRitter #HealthRangerReport
Situation Update, Mar 2, 2023 - #WorldWar grows closer by the day - Feat. former #UN weapons inspector #ScottRitter
#RichardMedhurst #Podcast #Interview
#ScottRitter #UNWeaponsInspector (former)
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraine #PeaceNOW #PeaceNotWar #PeaceOnEarth #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreWar #StoptheInsanity #BidenBad #PutinBad #ZelenskyBad #AllWarmongersBad #USRussiaProxyWar #USRussia #ProxyWar
#proxywar #usrussia #usrussiaproxywar #allwarmongersbad #zelenskybad #putinbad #bidenbad #stoptheinsanity #nomorewar #EnoughIsEnough #peaceonearth #PeaceNotWar #peacenow #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineCrisis #unweaponsinspector #ScottRitter #interview #Podcast #RichardMedhurst
#Russia will accomplish its objectives in #Ukraine, says military analyst #ScottRitter #WWIII
#wwiii #ScottRitter #ukraine #russia
#diplomacy IS #dead #ScottRitter - AGAIN (SPED UP A BIT, LINK BELOW!)
The whole #russia #Ukraine story in a little over 3 minutes - WORTH 3 minutes !! SHARE
#ukraine #russia #ScottRitter #dead #diplomacy
#ScottRitter, former #UnitedNations #WeaponsInspector and #US #Marine, has some harsh words for the faux #AntiWar movement.
I am myself somewhat more forgiving, considering the escalation in propaganda since the disastrous #Bush - #Cheney regime. Nevertheless, he makes good points.
#ScottRitter #unitednations #WeaponsInspector #us #marine #antiwar #bush #cheney
#ScottRitter #BackChannel #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #USA #NuclearHolocaust #NuclearWar #RussiaUkraineWar RussiaNATOwar #ConsortiumNews #Diplomacy
#ScottRitter #Backchannel #russia #ukraine #nato #usa #nuclearholocaust #nuclearwar #RussiaUkraineWar #consortiumnews #diplomacy
Scott Ritter: l'Ucraina ha sperperato migliaia di vite per il valore propagandistico delle fotografie della bandiera ucraina issata a Kherson. Le forse russe si stanno preparando a un massiccio contrattacco.
#russia #ucraina #kherson #scottritter
#ScottRitter #Kherson #ucraina #russia
The new Twitter boss? Same as the old boss says Scott Ritter
Banned by #Twitter, unbanned and then banned again. But #ScottRitter is unchained here. He explains how the Brits’ attack on the #NordStream pipeline was also on Germany and Europe
#nordstream #ScottRitter #Twitter
Watch "FULL INTERVIEW: The new #Twitter boss? Same as the old boss says #ScottRitter" on YouTube https://youtu.be/ZIr44mGMkfc
Scott Ritter: La nuova offensiva ucraina è sostenuta logisticamente, addestrata e fornita di intelligence NATO, e lavora in armonia con i pianificatori militari della NATO.
#ucraina #russia #usa #nato #ScottRitter
#ScottRitter #nato #usa #russia #ucraina
NATO’s arsonist-in-chief Jens #Stoltenberg wants the Western public to pay for a Ukrainian fire he helped to ignite
former US Marine Corps intel officer
'Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union'
#ScottRitter non è un commentatore qualsiasi ne un invasato complottista ma un ex ufficiale dell’intelligence Usa che ha prestato servizio durante l’operazione Desert Storm e come ispettore delle Nazioni Unite in Iraq (1991-98). #ucraina #russia
RT @unjoe
SCOTT RITTER: Twitter Wars—My Personal Experience in Twitter’s Ongoing Assault on Free Speech https://consortiumnews.com/2022/04/13/scott-ritter-twitter-wars-my-personal-experience-in-twitters-ongoing-assault-on-free-speech/ #ScottRitter #Twitter
BTW the name of that prophetic, #unpersoned, UN Weapons Inspector is #ScottRitter.
Scott Ritter banned from #Twitter,
For dumping forced news down the shitter,
Fake news on the TV set,
The day - the true - it died.
So bye bye, misinfomational pie,
Brought my activity to Fedi,
But #anarchists here are shy,
The good previously male,
Are serving shitposts so dry,
Singing this'll be the day the #ultrasonicWeapons kill us all,
This'll be the day that I die.
#unpersoned #ScottRitter #twitter #anarchists #ultrasonicWeapons #fediLyrics #skit #gottaLaughAtThisCrap
RT @SMaurizi
I often disagree with #ScottRitter, however I want to be free to read his tweets and to stop reading when I no longer like them. Freedom of espression is too important to be left to Silicon Valley oligharchs