Awesome! Didn't quite beat the original bid but I'm glad it raised a decent amount.


It's heating up now!

A piece of original cover art done by Sara Richard for the MLP comics just sold for $180 at the !

#CharityAuction #PVCF21 #ScowlsForScope

Last updated 3 years ago

Planning to submit this gem to the charity auction: the original cover artwork for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic #77 (B variant) by

Originally auctioned off in the campaign last year so I wonder if we can beat that bid ;)


Last updated 3 years ago


Ok! With a bit of confusion, the auctions are sorted out! You guys really like to bury your bids multiple threads deep. The spreadsheet has all of them organized but I'll highlight them below as well.

Twitter thread:


Last updated 5 years ago


I have come to understand that made a summary of the Auctions going on... but I had already created this when I found out and mine includes some fan auctions you may not know about!


Last updated 5 years ago