RT @ArielBrunner
This is the acid test. Either the EC has the guts to stop CAP payments or it will be clear that the CAP is nothing more than a slush fund for ag ministers to run their personal careers on. In the latter case #ScrapTheCAP becomes the only way forward. https://twitter.com/ARC2020eu/status/1545276492032094209
RT @ActiveRetirees@twitter.com
The TRUST Act would fast-track cuts to Social Security behind closed doors. It's not a solution for shoring up our earned benefits -- it's an attack. #ExpandSocialSecurity #ScrapTheCap
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ActiveRetirees/status/1534929657811845120
#ExpandSocialSecurity #ScrapTheCap
RT @SSWorks@twitter.com
Try @ceprdc@twitter.com’s calculator to see the last day millionaires contributed to Social Security: http://cepr.net/ss-payroll-tax-2022
RT @SSWorks@twitter.com
Millionaires in the US are already done paying into Social Security for the year.
Joe Rogan stopped paying in on Jan 12. Tucker Carlson stopped contributing on Jan 10.
It’s time to put the interests of the working class over the powerful & wealthy. Congress must #ScrapTheCap!
RT @AFGENational@twitter.com
It’s simple: everyone should pay into Social Security on ALL of their income. #ScrapTheCap
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AFGENational/status/1496932955654168585
🤡Shills want you to believe Bernie's "adjustments" like #ScrapTheCap, LOWER the #RetirementAge and EXPAND benefits of #SocialSecurity are the same as other's who want to do the EXACT opposite! #GoogleBernie #BernieOrBust
#NotMeUs #OnlyBernieCaresAboutYOU
#onlyberniebeatstrump #OnlyBernieCaresAboutYOU #notmeus #bernieorbust #GoogleBernie #socialsecurity #retirementage #ScrapTheCap
#ScrapTheCap #PeopleForBernie #BernieOrBust
RT @BernieSanders@twitter.com
Seniors cannot live in dignity when they're trying to survive on $13,000 or $14,000 a year in Social Security benefits.
We have some bad news for those who want to cut Social Security.
We're not going to cut Social Security benefits.
We're going to expand them.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1221809743792168960
#onlyberniebeatstrump #bernieorbust #peopleforbernie #ScrapTheCap
RT @CinemaAndLife@twitter.com
Bernie Sanders is sponsoring legislation that would stabilize the trust fund for 50 years by eliminating the payroll tax cap on income in excess of 250k, including capital gains & dividends.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CinemaAndLife/status/1218792728126869505
#BidenSocialSecurityCuts #bernieorbust #ScrapTheCap
#SocialSecurity #scrapthecap #Bernie2020
#NotMeUs #BigUs #BoomersForBernie
#EnoughIsEnough #OnlyBernieBeatsTrump
RT @SenSanders@twitter.com
Did you know we once had a Republican president who expanded Social Security? Maybe today's Republicans should listen to what he had to say about the program, instead of trying to destroy it.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SenSanders/status/1202683127258394624
#onlyberniebeatstrump #enoughisenough #BoomersForBernie #BigUs #notmeus #Bernie2020 #ScrapTheCap #socialsecurity
Citizens hungry, homeless, dying but "pro-life" GOP wants to cut #SNAP #FoodStamps ? WTF?
#DumpTrump #GOPTaxScams
NO MORE #CorporateWelfare #CorporateGovernance
#QualityOfLife #FightFor15 #MedicareForAll #ScrapTheCap #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs
#OnlyBernieBeatsTrump #TaxTheRich🔥
#taxtherich #onlyberniebeatstrump #notmeus #Bernie2020 #ScrapTheCap #MedicareForAll #fightfor15 #qualityoflife #corporategovernance #corporatewelfare #GOPTaxScams #dumptrump #foodstamps #snap