The beginning of »Panic«, Future Crew 1992, PC; Letter Fly-Through with that music by Purple Motion (Screamtracker Module) is aaaaahhhbsolutely unbeaten. #demoscene #retrocomputing #futurecrew #screamtracker
#demoscene #retrocomputing #futurecrew #ScreamTracker
before i ever learned how resonant filters and harmonics actually worked, my weird intuition to emulate them in #screamtracker (which doesn't have resonant filters) was to mix and fade multiple octaves of the same sinewave melody across separate channels 🙃
Ahh, and I can't resist to say: The only thing which had a tighter timing than a ST with cubase was (and still is) using a tracker (#protracker or #ocatamed on Amiga, #Fasttracker (2), #Screamtracker, #ImpulseTracker on Dos, #Buzztracker on Winodws; #Renoise on Linux, Mac, Windows today).
#renoise #Buzztracker #impulsetracker #ScreamTracker #fasttracker #ocatamed #protracker