> Even ‘science’ has become a ‘God that failed’; instead of being the path to liberty, it has become a dark soulless path toward unfreedom..algorithms that ‘cost’ the value of human lives, versus the ‘costing’ of lockdown; from secret ‘Black Box’ algos that limit distribution of news and thinking, to #BillGates’ vaccination ID..#science now portends despotic social control, rather than a..symbol of freedom.
#AlastairCrooke #Privacy #GodThatFailed #Woke ? #ScreenNewDeal
#ScreenNewDeal #woke #GodThatFailed #privacy #AlastairCrooke #science #billgates
'..exactly two weeks before the #coronavirus outbreak was declared a pandemic, and there was no mention that a goal of this vast, high-tech expansion was to protect American health. Only that it was necessary to avoid being outcompeted by China. But, of course, that would soon change..'
#NaomiKlein on #ScreenNewDeal #Covid justifications of #CorporateWelfare supports for #EricSchmidt #JeffBezos #Cuomo #Pandemic #IT #ShockDoctrine
#shockdoctrine #it #pandemic #cuomo #jeffbezos #ericschmidt #corporatewelfare #covid #ScreenNewDeal #naomiklein #Coronavirus
Screen New Deal and the World After COVID: a Technological Dystopia? https://www.15-15-15.org/webzine/2020/11/05/screen-new-deal-and-the-world-after-covid-a-technological-dystopia/ #automatedconveniencestores #sustainableanimalhusbandry #ArtificialIntelligence #technologicalcompanies #SocialCreditSystem #technoautoritarism #controloverpeople #onlineeducation #dehumanization #endofdemocracy #relocalization #technofanatism #ScreenNewDeal #telecommuting #cyber-rights #robotization #thenewnormal #5G
#automatedconveniencestores #sustainableanimalhusbandry #artificialintelligence #technologicalcompanies #SocialCreditSystem #technoautoritarism #controloverpeople #onlineeducation #dehumanization #endofdemocracy #relocalization #technofanatism #ScreenNewDeal #telecommuting #cyber #robotization #thenewnormal #5g
Naomi Klein à propos du "Screen New Deal" où comment les #GAFAM utilisent la crise du #COVID19 pour accélérer la #dématérialisation de nos vies. Elle appelle au mouvement inverse : recruter + de profs, + de soignants, + de travailleurs sociaux... pour organiser des unités de travail et vie collective plus petites, où on ne s'entasse pas comme du bétail.
Du bon sens ! Mais comment organiser ça à temps pour affronter cette crise ?
#NaomiKlein #ScreenNewDeal #relocalisation
#gafam #COVID19 #dématérialisation #naomiklein #ScreenNewDeal #relocalisation