There once was a guy named Stefan,
He talked at length about the ills of Islam,
Some might have seen him as a tad obscene,
But #ScrewTube thought he should be seen.
Then one day in 2014,
He spoke of #bitcoin versus the war machine*,
Three days later it would seem,
His ScrewTube channel would be banned**.
* Bitcoin vs Political Power,
#ScrewTube #bitcoin #youtube #banned #censorship #googleisevil
@unfa @draco
Yes. Perhaps the email from #ScrewTube should have said:
> "SO YOU'VE GOT to put a #Peertube channel link on your super snazzy site tomorrow. Which one would you choose?"
(hint: everyone prefers the left side for peertube)
As expected #RFK's understanding of what happened to his uncle, #JFK, appears to conform with the explanation so eloqantly and brilliantly presented by ex-#BBC employee, #researcher and #history teacher, #FrancisRichardConolly.
If you want to know why #RobertKennedy is so reviled by #corporatists, watch the #documentary tonight.
Documentary also available via I2P torrent (#ScrewTube must have banned it recently)
#rfk #jfk #bbc #researcher #history #FrancisRichardConolly #robertkennedy #corporatists #documentary #ScrewTube
Dear #Australians under the influence of flipping #Rumble and #YouTube (read: 'Screw'-gle #ScrewTube),
If you and think you know what is going on in the world…
If you think gold is a good #storeOfValue, but you don't know about how the #UK has been stealing #Venezuala's gold, how gold is mined with child labour and toxic chemicals, how gold is seized, etc.
Then please do your damned homework!
#Australians #rumble #youtube #ScrewTube #storeOfValue #uk #venezuala #whyBitcoin
A readable page out of #screwTube video captions — what a useful idea!
Anyone want to make an #I2P site out of the above? Sounds like a perfect premise for an eepsite.
Is breadpub.i2p taken?
#ScrewTube #i2p #accessibility #ux
Google has #unpersoned great #journalists. If you try to find episodes of #RedactedTonight, YouTube serves you 'Redacted'/#RedactedNews, a program that is attempting to imitate the look of #LeeCamp's Tonight show.
Many other great voices have also been suppressed and unpersoned over the years.
Use I2P and/or Fediverse to share content, not Google.
#unpersoned #journalists #RedactedTonight #LeeCamp #ScrewTube #youtube #google
Online #video itself is not sustainable, and required special deals and #cronyism. That's mostly what breaking #netNeutrality was about — and its wrong.
We talk about an ethical #streaming video-format that can combine higher resolution stills with 12 fps video max.
#ethicalVideo #videoFormats #mafia #cartel #screwTube #yOutUBe
@jeffcliff @mangeurdenuage
#video #cronyism #netneutrality #streaming #ethicalVideo #videoFormats #mafia #cartel #ScrewTube #youtube
How was #ScrewTube able to attract all the crackpot commenters from its inception?
There is an #invidious instance devoted to banned #ScrewTube videos.
Something like 'altCensored'?
By the way we boosted this without realising it was Cloudflare, so in case you were wondering, that's why we unboosted. Maybe Daily Expose has republished the above? We don't know and don't vouch:
Beast, how familiar are you with I2P, the 'Internet to Protect Privacy and People', its designed to avoid #takedownOrders like this?
#invidious #ScrewTube #takedownOrders
Its one of the most informative #history documentaries out there.
Orig was at v=U1Qt6a-vaNM but was removed by #ScrewTube for 4-seconds of #FairUse copyrighted film use.
From what we can summise it only makes one mistake.
#history #ScrewTube #fairuse #richMansTrick #documentary #film