So, is there really no alternative for #Scrivener ? How long and how often have I been searching for an alternative that also works cross-device, and *none* even come close to all the things you can do with Scrivener but come with a fortune and limbs to pay for monthly subscriptions.
Mastodon... help?
So, is there really no alternative for #Scrivener ? How long and how often have I been searching for an alternative that also works cross-device, and *none* even come close to all the things you can do with Scrivener but come with a fortune and limbs to pay for monthly subscriptions.
Mastodon... help?
Another productive day of #writing starts with #Scrivener not working & giving error 6001. What.
I'm taking this as a sign to keep working on the animation instead.
Has anyone ever managed to get #Scrivener to run on #linux? I tried using bottles and it completely killed my #Zorin install that I had to reinstall it again
Merry Christmas Winter Sales: WinterFest 2021 | Mac Apps Deals / Sales | #BBEdit #Hook #Scrivener #WinterFest #marked |
#macapp #software #apps #applications #macapps #deal #deals #Mac #macos #apple #macappdeals #macappdeal #sale #r_macappdeal #coupon #discount #macbookpro #imac #imacpro #macbook #macbookair
#macbookair #macbook #imacpro #imac #macbookpro #discount #coupon #r_macappdeal #sale #macappdeal #macappdeals #apple #macos #mac #deals #deal #macapps #applications #apps #software #macapp #marked #winterfest #Scrivener #hook #BBEdit
I really like that #Scrivener has an integrated "Update :nanowrimo: #NaNoWriMo word count" button now. Gone are the days of looking at your word count in Scriv, then seeing it go down by a couple hundred when you pasted your text into the NaNoWriMo checker.
Trying something new for :nanowrimo: #NaNoWriMo this year: using World Anvil to keep a nice database of people, places, things, events, etc.
Not sure if I like it. I'm still writing in #Scrivener and importing here.
Anyway, check it out if you like.