So #ScummVM is available on some very constrained platforms, N64 (!) being probably the lowest, but not #Amiga 500/600 (OCS). AFAICG the issue is that ScummVM only works with original files and doesn’t downsample content(?), the #PSP port can’t play SVGA games, for example. If the content were pre-processed for the target platform could a 7MHz Amiga 500 reasonably run ScummVM?
Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer Fan-Made Soundtrack v2.0 Released for #ScummVM 🕹️
(video courtesy of @pixelrefresh Be sure to Like, Comment, & Subscribe to for more great content!) 💙
#Technology #emulator #Pixelart #retrogaming #ScummVM
Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer Fan-Made Soundtrack v2.0 Released for ScummVM
@jameswoodcock releases version 2.0 of the soundtrack for use within @scummvm, a complete rework of his original efforts with a FLAC lossless version available for free.
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #pointandclickadventure #scummvm #soundtrack #dos #pc
#pc #DOS #Soundtrack #ScummVM #pointandclickadventure #RetroComputing #retrogaming
Simon the Sorcerer 2 Fan-Made Game Soundtrack Coming Soon – Early Demo Sample
Simon the Sorcerer 2 joins the fan-made game soundtracks by @jameswoodcock for use within @scummvm.
James has been releasing his fan-made game soundtracks in full ever since he started the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project starting with Simon the Sorcerer. He is now pleased to announce that the latest title he is working on is Simon the Sorcerer 2.
#RetroComputing #retrogaming #ScummVM
While we're at it, throwback to figuring out how to put #ScummVM on a Nintendo DS.
Welcome to Pixel Refresh!
Since 2006, covering modern #gaming and #RetroGaming, #gadgets & #technology - owned and operated by @jameswoodcock
Featuring the Game & Gadget Podcast with special guests from the industry, @revolutionsoftware's co-founder @tonywarriner as co-host
Also features the #ScummVM Music Enhancement Project
#twittermigration #intro #Introduction #ScummVM #Technology #gadgets #retrogaming #Gaming
Welcome to Pixel Refresh!
Since 2006, covering modern #gaming and #RetroGaming, #gadgets & #technology - owned and operated by @jameswoodcock
Featuring the Game & Gadget Podcast with special guests from the industry, @revolutionsoftware's co-founder @tonywarriner as co-host
Also features the #ScummVM Music Enhancement Project
#twittermigration #intro #Introduction #ScummVM #Technology #gadgets #retrogaming #Gaming
Ara sí! Ja podem dir que tenim el #MonkeyIsland en #català! Descarrega la ROM des del Discord de i vine a comentar-ho a ...i properament... més novetats! #jugaencatalà #scummvm #fantranslation
#fantranslation #ScummVM #jugaencatalà #català #monkeyisland