"... one takeaway from a new Redfin survey of people who rent their home, are thinking about moving, or have recently moved. Respondents were much more likely to say that they wanted to live in a state where abortion and gender-affirming care were legal than not. But compared with those issues, they were twice as likely to cite housing costs as a major determinant of where they would live."
#reproductivejustice #transgender #housing #SdOH
"In the larger picture, though, the pandemic did not create the issues described in the UCLA report; it only revealed and exacerbated them. Until the state makes a dramatic commitment to the funding and manpower it’ll take to shore up health care among its poorest and most vulnerable residents, every ensuing public health crisis will hit those same groups, and hard."
#publichealth #COVID #LongCovid #SdOH
"In other words, the fundamental construct of life in Japan makes it easier to live healthier.
Huang calls this "default design" and he says it literally comes built in: The fact that Japanese cities are densely populated, but safe, allows for heavy reliance on public transport, for example. And populations that use public transport tend to walk more and get more exercise just by virtue of that design."
#publichealth #SdOH #builtenvironment
Houston parents and community members are still fighting the state takeover of one of the largest public school districts in the country. Watch parent and activist Lauren Ashley call out the superintendent for his questionable ideas: https://www.tiktok.com/@gatitxxx/video/7263484972537826603
One of his ideas? Turning libraries into discipline rooms. Yeah, you read that right. Protest tomorrow. Bring water and sunscreen.
#houston #houstonisd #teachers #Texas #txlege #education #sdoh
#houston #houstonisd #teachers #texas #txlege #education #SdOH
lol "We at Planet Money have already dubbed Raj Chetty the Beyoncé of Economics because of his long list of popular hits in empirical economics. And, let me tell you, this is another ***Flawless classic in his catalog. I mean, not only is the study eye-opening, but Chetty is also kind of sticking his neck out here, by shining a spotlight on the admission practices of his employer, Harvard. But they can't fire Beyoncé! (He has tenure)."
" Three years ago, Oregonians approved Ballot Measure 110, which eliminated criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of any drug, including cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine...Early results of this reform effort, the first of its kind in any state, are now coming into view, and so far, they are not encouraging."
#publichealth #substanceabuse #mentalhealth #SdOH
"Patients living in formerly redlined neighborhoods were likelier to be diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, heart failure, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They also had a nearly 13 percent higher mortality risk and a 14 percent higher risk of having a major cardiovascular event, such as a stroke or heart attack, than their counterparts in other neighborhoods."
#publichealth #SdOH #StructuralRacism
New paper in Scientific Reports shows that #economic immobility is driven by scarcity more than poor individual choices. “Policies must combine both behavioral and structural interventions to improve financial well-being across populations.”
US Maternal Mortality Is Unacceptably High, Unequal, and Getting Worse—What Can Be Done About It? https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2807131
Interview with @mclemoremr @doccrearperry @ameadowsmd about how these worrisome trends are due to #SDOH, structural barriers, & broken systems of care.
#healthequity #healthdisparities #publichealth #epidemiology #policy
#SdOH #HealthEquity #healthdisparities #publichealth #epidemiology #policy
"Hospitals ask patients a lot of personal questions. Medical history? Medications? Preexisting conditions? Smoke, drink or do drugs? As of Saturday, you’ll have one more question to answer: What’s your immigration status? Florida hospitals that accept Medicaid will be required to query patients about that, although a person can decline to answer."
"Adair started Nashville Diaper Connection because there were only two places where families could get free diapers in Nashville in 2013, and one of them had a six-week waiting list...To people like Adair — who run banks with little support — diaper need, or a lack of sufficient diapers to keep babies dry and healthy, has felt invisible. But after years of going largely unaddressed by legislators across the country, something has started to shift."
Great piece by Dr. Magarita Alegria & colleagues in American Journal of Psychiatry: "More efforts have been made in recent years to intervene on the #SDOH through interventions at the individual, community, and policy levels, which have shown promise in improving #mentalhealth outcomes in marginalized populations." https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.20230371 #healthequity #healthpolicy
#SdOH #mentalhealth #HealthEquity #healthpolicy
"Blacks may age faster than their white neighbors, according to a new study. This can be true even when an individual Black person has a higher income or education level — underscoring the extent to which a person’s surroundings can impact their health...it’s crucial to recognize how other structural and social factors can affect the aging of marginalized groups like Black women differently."
#environment #SdOH #disparities
Hi, my #introduction is long overdue after letting Mastodon fall between the cracks.
I'm a interdisciplinary research scientist with a background in behavioral #epidemiology. My current #research focuses on increasing #diversity in clinical research studies and addressing #SDoH in clinical care. I also do a lot of intervention research in the #mentalhealth and #drug spaces.
I am on a mission to be more engaged on here and look forward to connecting with you!
#introduction #epidemiology #research #diversity #SdOH #mentalhealth #drug
American Medical Association president Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld on recent SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action: "[It] undermines decades of progress centered on the educational value of diversity, and will reverse gains made in the battle against health inequities." https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/scotus-affirmative-action-ruling-undermines-health-our-nation #HealthEquity #SDoH
"Birth outcomes for mothers and infants are a leading indicator of population well-being and they run much deeper than health care: They reflect politics. They’re a direct product of generational poverty and racism. They reveal our priorities, Dukes-Harris said."
"...a new study...finding that the higher mortality rate among Black Americans resulted in 1.63 million excess deaths relative to white Americans over more than two decades.
Because so many Black people die young — with many years of life ahead of them — their higher mortality rate from 1999 to 2020 resulted in a cumulative loss of more than 80 million years of life compared with the white population, the study showed."
#publicheath #primarycare #SdOH
Lina Hidalgo "could be the most powerful Democrat you’ve never heard of: a young, recently reelected leader overseeing a multibillion-dollar county budget in the country’s second-most populous state. And she doesn’t have the luxury of cold-shouldering her GOP colleagues. 'My focus is on standing up for areas that are never going to vote for me, because I may not be able to change their minds, but I do represent them.'”
#houston #harriscounty #texas #publichealth #SdOH
RT @HealthBegins
Discrimination for #obesity is rampant in the medical community. #SDOH
‘There’s a huge fatphobia problem in the eating disorder world’ Even in treatment, weight stigma fails patients https://buff.ly/3HbWEoU by @_gaffknee via @statnews CC: @theshirarose @CheriLev @ColleenSchreyer
https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/BTL9592104236?selected=BTL6850007119 Check out this podcast where I am speaking about #SDOH in #Obgyn #ObGynodon #socialdeterminants #backtableobgyn
#SdOH #obgyn #ObGynodon #socialdeterminants #backtableobgyn