If you live in Seattle District 5 and/ or care about the future of Seattle, now is the time to donate and volunteer and endorse and support ChrisTiana ObeySumner for Seattle City Council, District 5! Support is needed now through Election Day!
And it’s also ChrisTiana ObeySumner birthday season!
#seattle #elections #donate #gotv #seaelex #DisabilityJustice #TenantRights
#seattle #elections #donate #GoTV #SeaElex #DisabilityJustice #TenantRights
“Fix Homelessness” is a weird way for a candidate for city council to word a priority, one of only three listed in a mailer, when the other two are “Build more housing” and “Better public safety”. Feels like a dogwhistle for more of the same sweeps and cops policies. #SEAelex
* I was a donor to and a volunteer for the #YesOnI135 campaign, backed by House Our Neighbors!
* My views are my own, and do not reflect those of AWS, my employer
Final turnout was about 33%, in line with King County Elections's expectation.
Final per-precinct data for #YesOnI135 are now available. In the final data, "Yes" on social housing in Seattle pulled away, winning by 14 points.
* I was a donor to and a volunteer for the #YesOnI135 campaign, backed by House Our Neighbors!
* My views are my own, and do not reflect those of AWS, my employer
Turnout in Seattle's social housing election was very light on election night; final data will be made available later this month.
#YesOnI135 election results per precinct, based on election night data: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/jason.weill5486/viz/KingCountyWAFebruary2023SpecialElectionPreliminaryResults/Votesbyracedashboard?publish=yes
Re: last boost. I thought Seattle's social housing i135 would lose pretty badly. Low turnout special election. Opposed by the big media. The campaign a ragtag bunch organized by the street person newspaper org. I gave money but wasn't hopeful.
Anyway, it's up 5 points in the first drop, and Seattle's late drops generally trend progressive.
California needs to step up now.
RT @UrbanistOrg@twitter.com
It turns out being Republican lite on a lot of issues tends to erode your support with Seattle voters. Seattleites want real housing solutions, not gimmicks and excuses. #SEAelex https://www.theurbanist.org/2022/10/17/chamber-poll-finds-strong-support-for-housing-zoning-reform-among-seattle-voters/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UrbanistOrg/status/1611429210350051328
There is a chance for #Seattle to elect many #SocialHousing advocates to council who support progressive taxes and rezones to fund and build new mixed income apartments across the city where they are now illegal. #SEAelex #RezoneSeattle #HousingForAll
#seattle #socialhousing #SeaElex #RezoneSeattle #housingforall
One other takeaway from Seattle's results is that helicoptering in with a bunch of money is not a good way to campaign. Seattle Approves would have done a lot better if they had spent more time building support and relationships before the actual initiative.
While of course I want yimby leaning candidates to run for Seattle city council in 2023 I care more about how they will vote on policing, sweeps, social housing, public bathrooms, human service worker compensation, rent control, income tax, public banking, municipal broadband & safe consumption sites.
#Seattle #SeaElex #SeattleCouncil #HolisticUrbanism #SolidarityUrbanism
* also we need to move to even year elections through #WALeg state legislative change
#seattle #SeaElex #SeattleCouncil #HolisticUrbanism #SolidarityUrbanism #WALeg