@SeaGL Monday all hands meeting starting in about an hour at 16:00 PT
Join us in #jitsi if you'd like to help put on a great FLOSS conference in Seattle
Note: don't need to be in Seattle to help (I'm not), we have volunteers from multiple continents :)
@SeaGL all hands meeting starting now, another one Monday at 16:00 Pacific time
Join us in #jitsi if you'd like to help put on a great FLOSS conference in Seattle
Note: don't need to be in Seattle to help (I'm not), we have volunteers from multiple continents :)
The joy of discovering @NorthBayPython got a shout out in the @PeoplesCDC weekly COVID-19 weather report on account of our approach to #HealthAndSafety :ablobcatneon: https://peoplescdc.org/2023/08/15/peoples-cdc-covid-19-weather-report-55/
There are shining examples of events around the globe fully adapting to the COVID era.
I'm thrilled with what #FOSSY, #OpenInfraSummit, and #BSDCan did earlier this year, like what #SeaGL has planned, and applaud the #PyConAU organizers for their approach, too: https://2023.pycon.org.au/safety/covid/ 👏🏻
#HealthAndSafety #fossy #openinfrasummit #bsdcan #SeaGL #pyconau
@SeaGL now has it's own #Nextcloud instance, thanks to @osuosl for setting up and hosting it for us!
I've been using my personal NC instance for #SeaGL committee work for several years. Now I'm moving those files to our group instance
Nextcloud #Federation makes it easy to share and move
Share it with $person@$instance_url, then when it gives you the option for email or "$person on $instance_url" choose the latter for Federated share
Then it's easy to move to a new dir on the new instance
Spending a few hours tonight updating @SeaGL 's internal sponsorship documentation
This is our first in person event since 2019. It will be hybrid as we're continuing with out remote options as well
Please let us know if you'd like to help us by sponsoring or volunteering
Sponsor prospectus - https://seagl.org/sponsors/SeaGL_Partnership_Sponsor_Prospectus_2023.pdf
Volunteering - https://seagl.org/get_involved
Our next all hands #jitsi call is at 16:00 Pacific Time
Thanks to everyone who entered presentation proposals for #SeaGL !
@SeaGL is for the community and presentations are obviously key to our schedule
The programming committee will review all of the proposals, I hope they have a nice selection to choose from this year
@SCaLE 11x turned Open Source up to 11, @SeaGL 2023 is our 11th year, we will also be turning it up to 11 in November
You can help by proposing a talk or two by this Friday
#FLOSSconf #FLOSSevent #cfp #SeaGL #Seattle #HybridConf #hybrid
#flossconf #flossevent #cfp #SeaGL #Seattle #hybridconf #hybrid
SeaGL presentations can be:
* in person
* remote live-streamed
* pre-recorded
But they won't be evaluated for acceptance if they're not proposed by Jun 30th
We have a health and safety policy, so you can see what minimum protocols will be in place for the conf
PS: please contact me if you'd like to sponsor this marvelous #PacificNorthwest confernece
@SeaGL #FLOSSconf #FLOSSevent #cfp #SeaGL #Seattle #HybridConf #hybrid
#pacificnorthwest #flossconf #flossevent #cfp #SeaGL #Seattle #hybridconf #hybrid
#SeaGL is #hybrid Nov 3-4, #CfP closes June 30th
talks in #Seattle, via live-streaming or pre-recorded
We're seeking:
* Community & Culture
* Education
* Hardware
* Languages & Tools
* Machine Learning & Big Data
* Open Source Careers
* Performance Art
* Security and Privacy
* Systems and Platforms
* Everything Else
We have a health and safety policy, so you can see what protocols will be in place for the conf
#SeaGL #hybrid #cfp #Seattle #flossconf #flossevent
Proposed 3 talks thus far for #SeaGL
* Mastodon and the Fediverse
* Krita with @davidrevoy 's Pepper&Carrot
* Tech Resume Writing
This year will be #SeaGL 's first in person Career Expo
To pair with that, we added an Open Source Careers track
We've had two online Career Expos and plan to work with RaiseMe (SCaLE and ShellCon) to make this year even better as we go hybrid
#CfP closes Wednesday
Read our health and safety policy to review the protocols we'll have in place
@SeaGL #FLOSSconf #FLOSSevent #FLOSScareers #CareerExpo #ResumeReviews #Seattle #GetFedihired
#SeaGL #cfp #flossconf #flossevent #FLOSScareers #CareerExpo #ResumeReviews #Seattle #getFediHired
#SeaGL is hybrid in November, #CfP is open until Wednesday
talks in #Seattle or pre-recorded
We're seeking:
* Community and Culture
* Education
* Hardware
* Languages and Tools
* Machine Learning and Big Data
* Open Source Careers
* Performance Art
* Security and Privacy
* Systems and Platforms
* Everything Else
We have a health and safety policy, so you can see what protocols will be in place for the conf
#SeaGL #cfp #Seattle #flossconf #flossevent
#SCaLE20x recap
was sick when I got back and am just now starting to catch up on things
It was the shortest, busiest SCaLE for me, but still a great experience
Next on my horizon is #SeaGL with maybe a side trip for #FLOSSY
#SCALE20x #SeaGL #flossy #flossconf #flossevent #scale #FLOSScareers
SeaGL gloves coming in warm and handy tonight as I work outside tonight in a stadium
#SeaGL speaker gift to the rescue on a cold night
Touch fingertips allow tooting without degloving
@estherschindler @rikkiends with both @funnelfiasco and @nomad in there #SeaGL is well represented :)
ongoing work for #SCaLE and #SeaGL
SCaLE #CareerTrack work is starting up, SeaGL finance is year round
#flossevent #flossconf #careertrack #SeaGL #scale
@SeaGL finance meeting in a couple hours
Thanks to the sponsors who financed this year's conference and thanks to them all for having already paid
greatly simplifying this month's meetings :)
Some conference committees work year round, not just in run up for the #FLOSSconf
Thanks to everyone for their hard work so we can enjoy some great community run conferences
Also, volunteer run events are always looking for volunteers, so let us know if you'd like to help
@SeaGL finance meeting in a couple hours
Thanks to the sponsors who financed this year's conference and thanks to them all for having already paid
greatly simplifying this month's meetings :)
Some conference committees work year round, not just in run up for the #FLOSSconf
Thanks to everyone for their hard work so we can enjoy some great community run conferences
Also, volunteer run events are always looking for volunteers, so let us know if you'd like to help
@MoiraEve @philshapiro this came up in @TheyOfHIShirts 's "The Fediverse @ Your Library" #SeaGL talk, lots of great points in favor of libaries running Fediverse instances. Also some cautions