RT RTL 102.5
📌 L'Aula del Senato nega la richiesta di autorizzazione a procedere nei confronti di #MatteoSalvini per le opinioni espresse su #CarolaRackete, all'epoca dei fatti comandante della #SeaWatch3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rtl1025/status/1674024351690113024
#MatteoSalvini #carolarackete #SeaWatch3
Bienvenu au #SeaWatch5 et merci encore une fois à toutes les ONG qui se battent en #Méditerranée
RT @seawatch_intl: Italy ignores #ECJ-ruling, blocks the #SeaWatch3 & continues moving further to the right after the elections.
Their attempt: continue to let people drown.
Our response: the #SeaWatch5. Faster. Bigger. More efficient.
#SeaWatch5 #Méditerranée #ECJ #SeaWatch3
La #SeaWatch3 è, di nuovo, arbitrariamente bloccata. Il Governo italiano torna alla pratica dei fermi amministrativi.
Dopo 13 ore e mezza di controllo a Reggio Calabria, le autorità hanno bloccato la nave accusandoci, ancora una volta, di aver soccorso troppe persone.
RT @SeaWatchItaly@twitter.com
⭕ #SeaWatch3 dichiara lo stato di necessità!
Dopo 10 richieste di POS, la situazione non è più sostenibile. I rifornimenti si esauriranno entro domani, le persone e l'equipaggio sono esauste. La loro tutela non può essere più garantita. Abbiamo dichiarato lo stato di necessità.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaWatchItaly/status/1570757311303684096
Enfin un port désigné pour le débarquement des personnes sauvées par le #SeaWatch3
Mais il fallu que le bateau déclare l'état de nécessité au vu de la dégradation sanitaire sur le bateau
Une honte pour les pays européens
RT @seawatch_intl: 🔴 Port of safety for the #SeaWatch3!
After the situation on board deteriorated in the past few days and one person had to be evacuated, our ship had to declare a state of necessity today. Finally…
Enfin un port désigné pour le débarquement des personnes sauvées par le #SeaWatch3
Mais il fallu que le bateau déclare l'état de nécessité au vu de la dégradation sanitaire sur le bateau
Une honte pour les pays européens
RT @seawatch_intl: 🔴 Port of safety for the #SeaWatch3!
After the situation on board deteriorated in the past few days and one person had to be evacuated, our ship had to declare a state of necessity today. Finally…
🇩🇪|Niederlage für die Schlepper von #SeaWatch! Ein #EuGH-Urteil erlaubt die Kontrolle von Schiffen der Seenotrettung. #Italien hatte #SeaWatch3 2020 festgesetzt, weil zu viele #Migranten an Bord waren. #Grenzendicht in #Europa! #ID https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/weltgeschehen/article240230121/Niederlage-fuer-Sea-Watch-EuGH-Urteil-erlaubt-Kontrolle-von-Schiffen.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1554481898872717312
#seawatch #EuGH #Italien #SeaWatch3 #Migranten #grenzendicht #Europa #ID
🇬🇧|Defeat for #SeaWatch tugboats! An #ECJ ruling allows the control of sea rescue ships. #Italy had detained #SeaWatch3 2020 because too many #migrants were on board. #BordersClosed in #Europe! #ID https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/weltgeschehen/article240230121/Niederlage-fuer-Sea-Watch-EuGH-Urteil-erlaubt-Kontrolle-von-Schiffen.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1554481395644260353
#seawatch #ECJ #Italy #SeaWatch3 #migrants #BordersClosed #Europe #ID
RT @seawatchcrew: ⭕EuGH Urteil: Klarer Sieg für Seenotrettung.
Monatelang waren #SeaWatch3 & #SeaWatch4 aufgrund willkürlicher Hafenstaatkontrollen festgesetzt. Absurde Gründe u.a.: Forderung einer Zertifizierung, die es nicht gibt & zu viele gerettete Menschen an Bord. Dagegen haben wir geklagt.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1554450617166438401
RT @seawatchcrew: Frontex behauptet, die Überwachung des Mittelmeers aus der Luft diene der Rettung von Menschen - In der Praxis werden die Informationen der Drohnen vor allem für illegale Abfangaktionen durch die sog. Libysche Küstenwache genutzt, wie der Fall der #SeaWatch3 zeigt:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1554450124721512449
RT @seawatch_intl: Frontex claims aerial surveillance of the Mediterranean is to save people - But in reality, Frontex Drone information is mainly used for illegal interceptions by the so-called Libyan Coast Guard, as the case of #SeaWatch3 shows:
Congrats for the win.
This was arbitrary misuse of government powers from the beginning.
Continue doing your great work! 💪
RT @seawatch_intl: ⭕ECJ ruling: Clear win for sea rescue.
For months the #SeaWatch3 & #SeaWatch4 were detained due to arbitrary port state controls. The absurd reasons: They were missing an imaginary certification that doesn't exist & too many rescued people were on board. So we filed a complaint.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/d_boeselager/status/1554116143346077696
RT @seawatch_intl: ⭕ECJ ruling: Clear win for sea rescue.
For months the #SeaWatch3 & #SeaWatch4 were detained due to arbitrary port state controls. The absurd reasons: They were missing an imaginary certification that doesn't exist & too many rescued people were on board. So we filed a complaint.
RT @seawatch_intl: "We need a port of safety now for all people rescued from distress at sea. And we need a #SafePassage so that no one has to risk their lives on this dangerous journey in the future again.“ - Anne, Head of Operation on the #SeaWatch3
RT @_Seebruecke_: In Libyen sind neue Kämpfe ausgebrochen. Im Mittelmeer rettete gestern die italienische Küstenwache hunderte Menschen aus Seenot und die #SeaWatch3 hat nach 4 Rettungen über 400 Menschen an Bord. Die humanitäre Notlage hält an, wo bleibt die versprochene Lösung der Ampel?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1551131098410786817
RT @seawatchcrew: Am Morgen wurde ein Holzboot von unserer Crew gesichtet und 101 Menschen wurden an Bord der #SeaWatch3 genommen. Einige Stunden später wurden weitere 99 Menschen aus einem stark überfüllten Schlauchboot gerettet. (2/5)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1551130978747355137
RT @seawatchcrew: Die #SeaWatch3 hat nun 428 Menschen an Bord, die gestern innerhalb von 12 Stunden aus 4 überfüllten Booten gerettet wurden. Mehr Details im Thread ⬇️ (1/5)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1551130947919269889
RT @SeaWatchItaly@twitter.com
Ieri la Guardia Costiera ha portato latte in polvere e pannolini su #SeaWatch3.
Bambini piccoli e persone bisognose di assistenza non possono stare oltre su una nave. A bordo 14 bambini di meno di un anno, il più piccolo ha compiuto 3 settimane in mare.
Fateli sbarcare.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaWatchItaly/status/1476498380390084612
Gruppi paramilitari libici minacciano Nello Scavo, esposto della Fnsi al Ministero dell’Interno https://www.articolo21.org/2021/08/gruppi-paramilitari-libici-minacciano-nello-scavo-esposto-della-fnsi-al-ministero-dellinterno/ #DaphneCaruanaGalizia #NicolaMolteni #NevilleGafà #NelloScavo #SeaWatch3 #Articoli #libia #fnsi
#fnsi #Libia #articoli #SeaWatch3 #NelloScavo #NevilleGafà #NicolaMolteni #DaphneCaruanaGalizia
RT @SeaWatchItaly@twitter.com
Il TAR ha accolto i nostri dubbi sull’approccio italiano e ha rimesso alla Corte di Giustizia UE i ricorsi contro i fermi di #SeaWatch3 e #SeaWatch4.
Ribadiamo la necessità di liberare subito le nostre navi: le persone continuano a morire in mare senza alternative di salvezza.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeaWatchItaly/status/1342121582010003456