Holy heck I just saw Zardoz (1974) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070948/?ref_=tt_urv
This was the weirdest movie I ever saw. Definitely not for everyone. It is very philosophical, and very 70s.
LSD was no doubt involved in making this movie, and I would not recommend it to anyone sober lol
(I would definitely recommend it to anyone not sober)
So much of this came true. #RichardBrooks #SeanConnery #JohnSaxon https://boxd.it/42sKE3
#richardbrooks #SeanConnery #johnsaxon
The husbear went to bed early so I stayed up to watch "DrNo". I've been wanting to watch the Bond movies in order so why not start now. I guess it was a big deal in 1962 but now it's just 'meh'. The most interesting part was wondering why there were so many Chinese in Jamaica and then googling it to find out the real history
#Movies #film #CineMastodon #007 #JamesBond #SeanConnery #UrsulaAndress #1962 #DrNo
#movies #film #cinemastodon #jamesbond #SeanConnery #ursulaandress #drno
Funny how the most overrated #VideoGame of all time has a #goat protagonist
And the worst post-Soviet #movie of all time has a goat sidekick
And the worst #SeanConnery movie of all time has a goat sidekick, voiced by #AlanCumming
Is it a coincidence? I think not
#AlanCumming #SeanConnery #movie #goat #videogame
"Falls du einem Kind oder einem Tier leid zufügst, kann man mit Sicherheit behaupten, das du ein Idiot und ein Scheißkerl bist"
Sir Sean Connery ✝️
#zitat #SeanConnery #jamesbond
‘The Sean Connery Paradox’ (also known as ‘Sean Connery vs. James Bond’) will air on SBS on Saturday, 7 January, 2023 and is now available to stream on SBS On Demand.
📺 Learn More: https://wp.me/pbs8To-1s1
#JamesBond | #SeanConnery | #Documentary | #SBSOnDemand | #BondontheBox | #JBAus
#jbaus #bondonthebox #sbsondemand #Documentary #SeanConnery #jamesbond
A young #SeanConnery sporting a long braid, mustache, and a red bandolier harness outfit with thigh-high boots and a pistol.
@WayneSmith OMG I so much want to boost this, but am not seeing a caption and am crying with laughter imagining how it could/would be captioned. :) Maybe I could take a stab at it after I've made supper. <howling with laughter>
#boots #happynewyear2023 #altfashion #SeanConnery
Infinity Magazine Issue 52 celebrating 60 Years of ‘Dr. No’ is now available from Australian newsstands.
Print and Digital copies are available here:
#JamesBond | #60YearsofBond | #DrNo | #SeanConnery | #InfinityMag | #JBAus
#jbaus #infinitymag #SeanConnery #drno #60yearsofbond #jamesbond
"Oh, you turnip, Adso."
#PostitNoteArt #Sketch #SeanConnery #TheNameOfTheRose #illustration
#illustration #thenameoftherose #SeanConnery #sketch #postitnoteart
Wenn wir uns in diesem Jahr nur noch einen Film ansehen könnten, dann wäre daran gar nichts schlimm, weil #ARTE uns die #TimeBandits schenkt!
„Ein fantastischer Abenteuerfilm, zwischen Parodie und Traummärchen, gewürzt mit viel britischem Humor. Eine aufwendige & effektreiche, amüsante & bisweilen sogar tiefsinnige Unterhaltung...“ (Lexikon des internationalen Films)
I just ❤️ #TerryGilliam! Mit: #DavidWarner, #JohnCleese, #SeanConnery, #MichaelPalin, #Mediathekperle
#arte #TimeBandits #terrygilliam #davidwarner #johncleese #SeanConnery #MichaelPalin #Mediathekperle
🎬 ‘Dr. No’ 🗓️ Thursday, 1 December, 2022 ⏰ 8:40 PM (AEST) 📺 9 Gem #JamesBond | #DrNo | #SeanConnery | #BondontheBox | #JBAus
#jbaus #bondonthebox #SeanConnery #drno #jamesbond
🎬 ‘Dr. No’
🗓️ Thursday, 1 December, 2022
⏰ 8:40 PM (AEST)
📺 @9Gem
#JamesBond | #DrNo | #SeanConnery | #BondontheBox | #JBAus
#jbaus #bondonthebox #SeanConnery #drno #jamesbond
Star date: 202211.28 ▫ The last moustache Monday brings you Sean Connery. 😊🙏 #seanconnery #moustache #movember #monday #mondays #moustachemonday #moustachemondays #moustachemovember #movembermonday #movembermondays #movembermoustache #moustacheoftheday #moustacheoftheweek #moustacheoftheworld
#moustacheoftheworld #moustacheoftheweek #moustacheoftheday #movembermoustache #movembermondays #movembermonday #moustachemovember #moustachemondays #moustachemonday #mondays #monday #movember #moustache #SeanConnery
Star date: 202211.28 ▫ The last moustache Monday brings you Sean Connery. 😊🙏 #seanconnery #moustache #movember #monday #mondays #moustachemonday #moustachemondays #moustachemovember #movembermonday #movembermondays #movembermoustache #moustacheoftheday #moustacheoftheweek #moustacheoftheworld
#moustacheoftheworld #moustacheoftheweek #moustacheoftheday #movembermoustache #movembermondays #movembermonday #moustachemovember #moustachemondays #moustachemonday #mondays #monday #movember #moustache #SeanConnery
The Perth Mint celebrates the 60th Anniversary of #DrNo with the release of special limited edition coloured coin.
🪙 Learn More: wp.me/pbs8To-1p2
#JamesBond | #60YearsofBond | #SeanConnery | #PerthMint | #JBAus
#jbaus #PerthMint #SeanConnery #60yearsofbond #jamesbond #drno
‘Dr. No’ will screen at the Sun Theatre
Thursday, 24 November at 7:00 PM
Sunday, 27 November at 2:30 PM
🍿 Learn More: https://wp.me/pbs8To-1lZ
#JamesBond | #BondJamesBond | #60YearsofBond | #DrNo | #SeanConnery | #BondontheBigScreen | #JBAus
#jbaus #bondonthebigscreen #SeanConnery #drno #60yearsofbond #bondjamesbond #jamesbond
Volvemos con las sesiones individuales de #TiempodeCultoPodcast en vivo, con #angelcodonramos y #pacofox en @mk2_es el 25 de noviembre a las 21:30 con un clásico de #BrianDePalma: #LosIntocablesdeEliotNess, con #KevinCostner #SeanConnery y #RobertDeNiro
#robertdeniro #SeanConnery #kevincostner #losintocablesdeeliotness #BriandePalma #pacofox #angelcodonramos #tiempodecultopodcast
If the #JamesBond title tracks are any indication, they tie pretty closely to the actors/films I Iike. Notably, #SeanConnery, #PierceBrosnan and #DanielCraig
*#RogerMoore is a close runner up
#rogermoore #danielcraig #PierceBrosnan #SeanConnery #JamesBond