Embrace #God, the #SecondAmendment and #encryption.
#God #SecondAmendment #encryption
At Protests, Guns Are Doing the Talking https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/26/us/guns-protests-open-carry.html #Demonstrations,ProtestsandRiots #Right-WingExtremismandAlt-Right #SecondAmendment(USConstitution) #FringeGroupsandMovements #GunControl #Firearms
#Demonstrations #Right #SecondAmendment #FringeGroupsandMovements #GunControl #Firearms
The #SecondAmendment
V🌴 Chr.
No attack on the #SecondAmendment will ever survive. Now just as when written, it is common knowledge why: To defend oneself, one's family and one's property and against Tierney.
"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a dree State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Second Amendment.
Note: The wording of 2A is nearly identical to clauses of the constitutions of the 13 original States.
V 🌴 Chr.