LIVE 3/1/23 7:30 PM ET REVELATION RED PILL Wednesdays: Decoding End Times Biblical Imagery! In this week's episode, we are joined by #SperoPictures' Matt and Joy Thayer, to discuss the deep imagery the #Bible uses to depict #EndTime events. What if you had a key that would decode some of the most mysterious passages regarding Christ's #secondcoming? Join us as we discuss some of the most fantastical images in the Bible such as scorpions, the #markofthebeast, stars falling from the sky, and so much more!
Matt and Joy are natural storytellers who know how to paint a visual picture that will help us understand the hidden meanings John, and other Biblical authors, had in mind when they told the story of Christ's "coming in the clouds." Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#MarkOfTheBeast #SecondComing #EndTime #bible #SperoPictures
LIVE 3/1/23 7:30 PM ET REVELATION RED PILL Wednesdays: Decoding End Times Biblical Imagery! In this week's episode, we are joined by #SperoPictures' Matt and Joy Thayer, to discuss the deep imagery the #Bible uses to depict #EndTime events. What if you had a key that would decode some of the most mysterious passages regarding Christ's #secondcoming? Join us as we discuss some of the most fantastical images in the Bible such as scorpions, the #markofthebeast, stars falling from the sky, and so much more!
Matt and Joy are natural storytellers who know how to paint a visual picture that will help us understand the hidden meanings John, and other Biblical authors, had in mind when they told the story of Christ's "coming in the clouds." Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#MarkOfTheBeast #SecondComing #EndTime #bible #SperoPictures
'Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.'
#Yeats #SecondComing The part about the best lacking conviction and the worst all energetic destroying our world comes to mind a lot. Michael Moore wrote something about rich polluters getting up early and working hard...
Everyone wants a sign, something natural they can see in order to believe.
If we think we can wait until we see it with physical eyes, we’ll have missed it completely.
We should be discerning the times & getting prepared by buying the oil & be looking for the Elijah that is to come, who is to prepare us for the second coming.
If you are looking for a the Spirit of Elijah to get yourself ready, visit us at
#Elijah #Pharisees #SecondComing #times #signs #thevoiceofhealing