Japanned Steve McCarty · @SteveMcCarty
92 followers · 26 posts · Server hcommons.social

Regarding vs. code-switching between languages, Rafi Saleh in Bangladesh, who did his PhD in Australia on translanguaging, informed me: "According to code-switching theorists, a bilingual has two linguistic systems, whereas a monolingual has one. For translanguaging theorists, both bilingual and monolingual people have one linguistic system, but bilingual people's systems are more complex, and they learn to divide the system into two for external forces rather than linguistic reasons."
This accords with my view of always-on bilingual mode. The pictures show my proposed paradigm shift from a conventional model to a perspective.

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Readings: japanned.hcommons.org/bilingua

@EffieKapnoula @natalieroxburgh @shakil_prof

@linguistics @edutooter

#translanguaging #ForeignLanguageTeaching #developmental #bilingual #bilingualism #BilingualEducation #multilingualism #multiculturalism #SecondLanguageAcquisition #languageeducation #languageteaching

Last updated 2 years ago