Our Love Foreseen
Born of rock
And river-washed
Ancient seeing stone
Cloak of velvet
Feathered crown
Starlight in my eyes
Our fate is set
The truth revealed
My claim upon your heart
#writing #SecondSight #spell #lovepoem #poem
Earlier this year, many people with #Argus #OpticalImplants - which allow blind people to see - lost their vision when the manufacturer, #SecondSight, went bust:
#NanoPrecisionMedical, the company's new owners, aren't interested in maintaining the implants, so that's the end of the road for everyone with one of Argus's "bionic" eyes.
#argus #opticalimplants #SecondSight #nanoprecisionmedical
Hell of a day! So many amazing things coming soon, the UHD releases of Martin and Texas Chain Saw coming soon, The Hitcher restoration is in full swing and Dawn Breaks Behind The Eyes got an 18 from the BBFC... God damn I love my life.
#horror #physicalmedia #texaschainsawmassacre #thehitcher #uhd #secondsight #fracturedvisions #cultcinema
#horror #physicalmedia #texaschainsawmassacre #thehitcher #UHD #SecondSight #fracturedvisions #cultcinema
@jynersolives@mastodon.socia Mid 20s and I loved Cyberpunk, Dishonored and Horizon. Control is great but the story ended up disappointing me.
Over this year, I think I played:
#EldenRing (not completed yet)
#HalfLifeAlyx (best VR game ever)
#TerminatorResistance (not completed yet)
#Cyberpunk2077 (replaying)
#Scorn (glad I only got this on gamepass, I kind of don't like it so far...)
#silenthill1 #silenthill2 #dyinglight #stray #EldenRing #fallout4 #HalfLifeAlyx #SecondSight #mothered #industria #weirdwest #sonicgenerations #terminatorresistance #cyberpunk2077 #Scorn
HoloKit X AR Headset for iPhone: Price, Features, Release Date
#Gear/Products/AugmentedandVirtualReality #Gear/GearNewsandEvents #Gear/Products/Phones #augmentedreality #Gear/Products #SecondSight #Metaverse #Shopping #phones #iPhone #apple #Gear #AR
#Gear #augmentedreality #SecondSight #metaverse #Shopping #phones #iphone #Apple #ar
> Their #BionicEyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported
> #SecondSight left users of its retinal implants in the dark
#SecondSight #BionicEyes #biomedical