Secret Invasion, l'ultima miniserie #Marvel in 6 episodi, sono 272 minuti buttati nel cassonetto dei rifiuti.
Questa è l'ennesima e imbarazzante produzione creata per #Disneyplus che prosegue nel suo percorso di danneggiare sempre più la reputazione della Marvel stessa.
#marvel #disneyplus #SecretInvasion
Just finished watching #SecretInvasion and I have to be honest, it felt like a complete waste of time. The MCU has badly lost its way since Avengers: Endgame and I’m starting to fear for its future.
Maybe Marvel should hire (and pay, of course!) some new writers. #JustSaying 🤷🏻♂️
#CharlayneWoodard (Varra/Dr. Davis) was in some classier show about mature relationships but graciously stopped by to elevate this nonsense.
#BenMendelsohn (Talos) paused his dramedy about a bickering old gay couple and their estranged daughter just to get shot so the story could move along.
#OliviaColman (Falsworth) treated us to a masterclass in portraying understated ruthlessness.
It’s not as bad as “Loki”.
#charlaynewoodard #benmendelsohn #oliviacolman #SecretInvasion #marvel
Secret Invasion was both too short and too long. Too short to tell it’s story properly and too long to suffer any more of the boring way it was told.
Me and #NickFury
Sonya: First, I want an apology.
Fury: I just gave away the only one of those I had today!
#SecretInvasion writers are either fools or knaves. I hope they're only foolish.
I sort of hope Samuel L. Jackson made a ton of money for #SecretInvasion. The man has been in some truly important films. This is not one of those, but I hope they backed the Brinks truck up to his front door and piled in the cash.
Scilla: "Any plans for the downtime?"
Nick Fury: "Well, you know, I never cared much for golf, so...I'm thinking I may take up ....revenge."
Only Samuel L Jackson can pull off a line like “I’m Nick Fury! Even when I’m out, I’m in!”
#SecretInvasion #nickfury #samuelljackson
These motherfuckers killed Robin Sparkles
In Secret Invasion the EU is now considered an international superpower, even in a mainstream TV series. We exist! #SecretInvasion
#SecretInvasion Ep 2 is better than Ep 1. Not a lot better, but it's watchable. Its at its best when the character actors get to act and not just mouth exposition.
Also, was there a worst case of fridging a great character than Maria Hill? I can't think of one. Maybe Deadpool.
Is anyone else just underwhelmed about #SecretInvasion on #DisneyPlus? I like a good spy thriller, but I find myself not all that eager for episode 2.
#tv #marvel #mcu #disneyplus #SecretInvasion
I was uneasy about #SecretInvasion using the #MCU version of the Skrulls (immigrant refugees) as bad guys. And as of episode 1, I am not convinced that it was a good move yet. It doesn't sit right making immigrants and refugees the bad guys in media. I actually really liked the unique take on the #Skrulls that the MCU had going!
Oh, and killing off Maria Hill after underutilizing Cobie Smulders for a decade is just awful.
#marvel #disneyplus #tv #skrulls #mcu #SecretInvasion
Ho iniziato a guardare #SecretInvasion…
#SecretInvasion #marvel #disneyplus #sapevatelo
#SecretInvasion is the single worst piece of writing I've ever seen in a Marvel Studios production. When I see this sort of writing I blame the producers. Writers are going to write crap. I do it, every writer does. But a producer read that shit and said, "Yeah. Lets make this. Let's spend millions in production and post-production on this piece of crap."
Fascinated that its getting reviewed well.
So much info-dumping. So much terrible dialogue.
My new Wednesday Blog includes ordering details for my forthcoming novelisation of Marvel's Secret Invasion, plus news of an audiobook version! #Marvel #Secretinvasion #doctorwho
#marvel #SecretInvasion #doctorwho
Well, this definitely sounds like a lie.
RT @TVLine
Update: Regé-Jean Page Has Not Joined the MCU — Disney Included Him on #SecretInvasion Cast List in Error