RT @YesterdayTweets@twitter.com
We hope you're got your 10-episode Travelcard ready because @siddyholloway@twitter.com and @MrTimDunn@twitter.com are BACK for a brand new series of #SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground in just 2 weeks time!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YesterdayTweets/status/1671179408143446016
I'm not into gaming, but enjoy reading (mainly the works of the trans authors above), watching the #MarvelCinematicUniverse and #DoctorWho, plus documentary series such as #AbandonedEngineering and #SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground. On YouTube, subscriptions include #TomScott and #BigClive. Musical tastes are varied, including Classical/orchestral, Beatles, ABBA, Queen and BabyMetal. Essentially anything with a good beat and decent tune (so not jazz or tunes with only a three note melody).
#MarvelCinematicUniverse #doctorwho #AbandonedEngineering #SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground #tomscott #bigclive
Just caught up with the last episode of #SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground - brilliant finale as usual @MrTimDunn@twitter.com - and @BeingJarley@twitter.com, you were wonderful. Haven't been inside a relay room like that in years
Just caught up with the last episode of #SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground - brilliant finale as usual @MrTimDunn@twitter.com - and @BeingJarley@twitter.com, you were wonderful. Haven't been inside a relay room like that in years