'Energy storage' is too often understood to comprise only electricity storage.
The heating sector needs to be electrified anyway, so why not use #HeatPumps to convert wind&solar power to heat (or resistors for 'excess' power), and store it in thermal #SeasonalHeatStorage like boreholes, caverns, pits or aquifiers?
That's cheaper in regions, where space heating represents a significant share of energy consumption and #districtHeating is used.
#heatpumps #seasonalheatstorage #districtheating #SectorCoupling
'Energy storage' is too often understood to comprise only electricity storage.
The heating sector needs to be electrified anyway, so why not use #HeatPumps to convert 'excess' wind&solar power to heat, and store it in thermal #SeasonalHeatStorage like boreholes, caverns, pits or aquifiers?
That's more cost efficient in regions, where space heating represents a significant share of energy consumption and #districtHeating is used.
#heatpumps #seasonalheatstorage #districtheating #SectorCoupling
New #IRENA study on #SectorCoupling.
=Interlinking the power sector with the broader energy sector (e.g. heating, cooling, mobility,
industrial processes) and thereby facilitating the integration of higher shares of variable renewable
energy sources into the power mix through enhanced grid flexibility.
I've been (somewhat) active here for the last two weeks, and I like it. Especially seeing that many peers also seem to make the transition form #energytwitter to #energymastodon is great! Also thanks to @ZaneSelvans and many others for working on #energymastodon to become a real thing! 👏
So maybe another #introduction, just using hashtags: I'm interested in
#renewables #energy #storage #opensource #modeling #opendata #sectorcoupling #electricvehicles #hydrogen #dunkelflaute #energiewende 🔌
#energiewende #Dunkelflaute #hydrogen #electricvehicles #SectorCoupling #opendata #modeling #opensource #storage #energy #renewables #introduction #energymastodon #EnergyTwitter
Currently, Africa relies heavily on biomass for primary energy.
In 2050 solarPV electricity is used directly, converted to #SyntheticFuels for transport & industry, or stored in batteries.
#SectorCoupling #Power2X #Solar2X #syntheticfuels