#SectorDisk is currently down for maintenance while it's being upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04!
Two years into using my script to grab my latest toot and put it as the text for Sector 14 on #SectorDisk, it randomly broke! Authenticating via the Mastodon API seems to work, though, so after the first code revision in two years, all is well in the world and me disk keeps spinnin'!
Built a new computer and need to cable manage before I put it in! Sector Disk, mpcclub.info, Altair server, etc. all might be down sometime in the next few hours! #sectordisk #mpcclub
As always with storms on the coast, I might lose power and/or internet temporarily. Please bear with me if sectordisk.pw or mpcclub.info go down!
Please be safe, everyone!!
#SectorDisk #HurricaneIda #downtime
File sectors are fully integrated into the website and the shell, meaning you can now define files spanning across sectors!
The web interface isn't pretty yet, but I'll work on that more once more users have added file sectors.
[All User-Defined File Sectors]
[Sector 1998]
[Info on Filesystem Commands & Format]
Coming soon will be a video tutorial!
#SectorDisk #floppydisk #tilde #pubnix #unix
I've added a download URL for sectors on Sector Disk!
So now you can download @cat@hackers.town's sector 888, which is an AAC file, or @zce@tilde.zone's sector 1958, which is a font for the #uxn virtual machine!
[ Sector 888 ]
[ Sector 1958 ]
Coming eventually will be a way to download distributed sectors!
Sector Disk is back up! I saved like 50GB backing up and deleting those snapshots!
Time to sleep TT v TT
Wow!! Six new users and 16 sectors reserved over the past four days! With some really cool content to boot!
I don't know where you're all coming from, but keep coming! lol
16 sectors = 8196 bytes = 8K on disk :>
I simplified the join page by a LOT!
Everyone is free to join Sector Disk or add more sectors to your lot if you've already joined!
#KeepTheDiskSpinning #SectorDisk
Sector Disk's Gopher has been updated! My buildGopher script isn't automatic so Gopher wasn't yet updated to show that sectors are free now ^^;. Also more URLs have been converted into Gopher URLs!
My power and internet have been out for over 24 hours now thanks to Zeta! No damage otherwise thankfully. I really didn't expect a Cat3 to hit and knock me offline for so long. I've barely got cell signal, so I'm clawing at kilobits to be on Mastodon right now lol.
On the bright side, this is a great chance to see Sector Disk's beautiful maintenance page that kicks in when the Vultr server can't make contact with the real one ;)
Check it out: https://sectordisk.pw
#SectorDisk is back up! It'd been down for the past few days because my USB floppy drive was acting up so I just decided to shut off the VM until I had time to fix it.
All sectors are safe and good, as is the original floppy (which is still being used). The only difference is now we're using my Dell-branded Sony floppy drive instead of my no-brand TEAC drive.
Long live the floppy!
I made even more little cosmetic changes to the Sector Disk site, but something I coded a few months ago that isn't yet being really *used* is pagination of the sector list and limiting how many sectors are on each page. You can currently activate both of them by adding "&n=[some number]" to the URL. The default is 100 but currently there are only 70 claimed sectors hehe. I tried loading in all 2880 once and it was.... hilarious but horrible to say the least lol.
Dark mode is officially a thing on #SectorDisk! (As a side-effect, so is now Javascript, but it's only ~3KB worth ;>)
If you're on mobile (or using a browser less than 900px wide) the toggle is at the bottom of the page
Aaaaand there went my power. Hello, Sally.
Just a notice that if #SectorDisk is down during the next few days, I live on the Gulf Coast and we're currently experiencing a Cat 1 hurricane and storm surge, so power and internet may be down or intermittent.
Out of fear of data corruption, everything's going down for now until I'm more assured the power's not gonna be blinking again 👀
(Also yes I will order a new UPS battery soon I promiseeee)
Sector Disk (finally) has a proper landing page! You can now see the eight most recent edited sectors as well as the list of users on the disk and how many sectors each of them owns! :>
(I'm also experimenting with a dark mode... hmmmm 👀)