CUSP :unverified: · @cusp_uk
782 followers · 66 posts · Server

Politicians remain wedded to as the solution to all problems. But that growth has gone. "To all intents and purposes, we're already living in a kind of economy. But we haven't figured out how to make that work."

@ProfTimJackson on with Kim Hill →


#SecularStagnation #BeyondGDP #wellbeingeconomy #degrowth #radionz #postgrowth #growth

Last updated 2 years ago

Col · @The_Colbobs
451 followers · 8442 posts · Server


There’s not much difference between tax giveaways and huge cuts. Both of them hurt the poor most. All of it legitimised by the promise of growth. None of it actually works.— → cc


#SecularStagnation #degrowth #postgrowth #PublicSpending

Last updated 2 years ago

Marxist Keynesian · @MarxistKeynesian
8 followers · 188 posts · Server

Now Japan has managed to shield itself from the worst aspects of by being an export economy (sell to the that is abroad) and by very loose monetary and fiscal policy.

#SecularStagnation #Demand

Last updated 2 years ago

Marxist Keynesian · @MarxistKeynesian
8 followers · 188 posts · Server

Japan is a poster child for caused by a declining and aging population. The shrinking and aging population has led to a steady decrease in and strong recessionary pressures from inadequate . Why pay your workers more when you see the number of customers decreasing? Then of course workers have low wages and cannot buy things to create . It is a downward spiral.

#SecularStagnation #Demand

Last updated 2 years ago

Marxist Keynesian · @MarxistKeynesian
8 followers · 188 posts · Server

Many European and Asian countries have or will suffer from due to a declining population which creates inadequate Demand for the economy.

The solution is : more immigration. This is what the U.S. does to maintain a (slightly) growing population, and it is what Canada has decided to do.

#SecularStagnation #simple

Last updated 2 years ago

CUSP :unverified: · @cusp_uk
621 followers · 46 posts · Server

Politicians’ growth fetish is the problem—and Sunak is headed for the same budget trap as Truss | New @TheGuardian Op-ed by

"To all intents and purposes, we’re already living in a post-growth world. And it’s time to take that challenge seriously."


#econtwitter #BeyondGDP #growthdependency #wellbeingeconomy #recession #SecularStagnation #degrowth #postgrowth #UKTreasury #jeremyhunt #RishiSunak #autumnbudget

Last updated 2 years ago

CUSP :unverified: · @cusp_uk
621 followers · 46 posts · Server

@cedric Hi Cedric, not sure I understand you correctly, but it's not just a language exercise—an angle rather to address the underlying dysfunction (): when growth is actually not to be had anymore (whatever the understandings of necessity to go ), the need for tackling the dependency on it becomes evident to a far wider range of actors in the system. And 'de-ideologised' if you like. →

#precautionaryprinciple #degrowth #postgrowth #beyondgrowth #SecularStagnation

Last updated 2 years ago

CUSP :unverified: · @cusp_uk
621 followers · 46 posts · Server

Embracing the Unthinkable—In 2018, the UK's Ministry of Defence commissioned work on for the Strategic Trends review. Here's a blog by Alan Simpson—recovering politician by his own account—sharing some reflections about the research, and subsequent briefing paper for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on . → @ProfTimJackson

#austerity #gdp #econtwitter #ClimateChange #wellbeingeconomy #growthdependency #degrowth #postgrowth #limitstogrowth #SecularStagnation

Last updated 2 years ago

CUSP :unverified: · @cusp_uk
621 followers · 46 posts · Server
Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2070 followers · 14629 posts · Server

It’s Not in Your Head: The World Really Is Getting Worse

...Narratives that see widespread economic and technological stagnation setting in sometime around the mid-1970s have become fairly common. And it’s pretty clear that the 1970s were some sort of inflection point, a time when we fell off established income, innovation, and progress curves on a number of fronts. The big question is why....

#progress #SecularStagnation #technology #decline #AndrewPotter

Last updated 3 years ago