I'll be speaking at #DebConf next month! My talk is titled "Intro to #SecureDrop, a sort-of Linux distro"
Looking forward to being back in India and seeing #Debian folks again!
My biggest accomplishment for the week is replacing a nearly 19k line Python dependency with a 2 line function in #SecureDrop: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-proxy/pull/115
Happy Friday!
Just in case anyone needs to know this, the most secure way of blowing the whistle online is via #SecureDrop
This is a #Tor service set up for the purpose of dropping #data to #news orgs and such.
For example the current address for the Guardian's SD is http://theguardian.securedrop.tor.onion
You need a Torified browser to access it. You can get one here https://www.torproject.org/download/
Just in case anyone needs to know this, the most secure way of blowing the whistle online is via #SecureDrop
This is a #Tor service set up for the purpose of dropping #data to #news orgs and such.
For example the current address for the Guardian's SD is http://theguardian.securedrop.tor.onion/
You need a Torified browser to access it. You can get one here https://www.torproject.org/download/
Je ne parle pas trop de tech ou de mon travail ici mais l’une des enterprises pour lesquelles je bosse, Freedom of the Press Foundation, organise un hackathon pour le logiciel #SecureDrop ce week-end, dans le cadre de #AaronSwartzDay.
Si vous souhaitez participer, voici le lien https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/wiki/Hackathon
Pour aller plus loin:
#SecureDrop #AaronSwartzDay #Whistleblowing #LanceurDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse
I will be at #AaronSwartzDay this weekend with the rest of the #SecureDrop team! Hope to see people there in person or virtually!
Also interested in hacking on wiki things of course :-)
#SecureDrop uses a custom grsecurity-patched kernel for some extra security. Until very recently, every time we wanted/needed to update to a new kernel, it required a full SecureDrop release, going through the whole QA, etc. process.
In September we detached this process, and today we released our first kernel packages independently from a SecureDrop release!
We're also working on formalizing a proper update policy: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/issues/6514
In preparation for #OpenSSL's "critical" security release tomorrow:
sudo lsof | grep libssl.so.3
*most* Debian servers should be unaffected because it only affects OpenSSL 3, not 1.1. #SecureDrop is still on Ubuntu Focal so it should also not be affected.