RT @MZEZ_RS: Slovenia 🇸🇮 was elected as a non-permanent member of the @UN #SecurityCouncil in the 1st round w/ support of 153 countries.
“I would like to express my warmest thanks to all who helped us achieve this national goal".
Press release: https://www.gov.si/en/news/2023-06-06-slovenia-has-been-elected-a-non-permanent-member-of-the-un-security-council/
#BuildingTrust… https://t.co/EjLHHxRgHq https://t.co/XSdlSela2U
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1666170823135174656
#SecurityCouncil #BuildingTrust
RT @LuxembourgUN: #Luxembourg🇱🇺 warmly congratulates #Algeria #Guyana #RepublicofKorea #SierraLeone and fellow #EU member #Slovenia for their election to the @UN #SecurityCouncil for the term 2024-2025 👏🏼
We wish them all the best in their mandate to maintain int’l peace and security!
🇩🇿🇬🇾🇰🇷🇸🇱🇸🇮 https://t.co/YgHtobVIG1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1666108200481968128
#Luxembourg #Algeria #Guyana #RepublicofKorea #SierraLeone #EU #Slovenia #SecurityCouncil
RT @irishmissionun: The votes are in ➡️ the #GeneralAssembly has elected 5⃣ #SecurityCouncil members for the 2024-2025 term.
Congrats to Sierra Leone 🇸🇱, Algeria🇩🇿, Republic of Korea🇰🇷, Guyana🇬🇾 and Slovenia🇸🇮!
Ireland looks forward to working with you to advance international peace & security. https://t.co/ml1yhZ145A
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1666108101932507136
#GeneralAssembly #SecurityCouncil
#corruption #climatechange #un #reform #SecurityCouncil #veto #PermMbrs #humanrights #failures #EverCloserToHell #war #russiainvadedukraine #conflict #genocide #extinction
RT @MZEZ_RS: Slovenia 🇸🇮 as a candidate for a non-permanent seat on the @UN #SecurityCouncil for the 2024–2025 period will focus on #BuildingTrust #SecuringFuture. If elected, 🇸🇮 will always act as a bridge – in a constructive, engaged, resolute and active manner. https://t.co/q8tphL19QN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1651945749247082497
#SecurityCouncil #BuildingTrust #SecuringFuture
"Sie [der Westen] sollten sich anständig verhalten und alle Mitglieder der internationalen Gemeinschaft respektieren". - sagt der Vertreter eines terroristischen Landes, während er den Vorsitz im UN-Sicherheitsrat führt. #RussiaIsATerroristState #terrorussia #Lawrow #UN #SecurityCouncil https://twitter.com/gabriel15184745/status/1650773567015886848?s=12&t=XiRG-Sez1u-PH3RmVs3fuA
#RussiaIsATerroristState #terrorussia #lawrow #un #SecurityCouncil
RT @CroatiaUN: April 24 is #Multilateralism Day!
At today’s @UN #SecurityCouncil media stakeout, EU Member States are united in their support to effective multilateralism, and oppose the Russian Federation’s attempt to manipulate their April #UNSC presidency.
#MultilateralismMatters https://t.co/Me9qX8lzP7
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1650499268858245120
#multilateralism #SecurityCouncil #unsc #MultilateralismMatters
Russia’s turn as the head of the #UN #SecurityCouncil shows the “complete bankruptcy of such institutions,” #Zelensky said Saturday in his evening address. He said reform to the council was “clearly overdue” and added that “terrorists must be held accountable for #terror, and not preside anywhere.”
- #Russia failed to meet its objective of seizing the Luhansk and #Donetsk regions by the end of March, the Institute for the Study of War #ISW noted. more updates https://t.me/washingtonpost/2414
#un #SecurityCouncil #Zelensky #terror #russia #Donetsk #isw
Russia becomes the president of the UN Security Council on April 1st. That's the worst April fool's joke ever. #UN #SecurityCouncil #Russia #RussiaIsATerroristState https://home.social/@m12k/110116246058714169
#un #SecurityCouncil #russia #RussiaIsATerroristState
The UN can be a bit of a farce sometimes. On April 1st, appropriately enough, Russia will assume the presidency of the international security council for a month.
#un #SecurityCouncil #russia #PutinWarCriminal
Timothy Snyer's briefing of the #UN #SecurityCouncil about #Russophobia
"[...] the term "russophobia," which we are discussing today, has been exploited during this war as a form of imperial propaganda in which the aggressor claims to be the victim. It has served this last year as a justification for Russian war crimes in #Ukraine ."
#un #SecurityCouncil #russophobia #ukraine
- Putin’s arrest warrant is the first the ICC has issued for the head of state of a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.
- Chinese leader Xi Jinping will visit #Moscow next week to meet with Putin.
- The United Nations is doing “everything possible” to make sure that the grain deal brokered between Russia and Ukraine last year can continue. #arrestwarrant #Putin #Xi #UN #ICC #SecurityCouncil
More live updates here.
#moscow #arrestwarrant #putin #xi #un #icc #SecurityCouncil
RT @MZEZ_RS: MFEA @tfajon at #RaisinaDialogue2023 panel on New Pathways for @UN 🇺🇳 that works: #UN was always a natural environment for #Slovenia 🇸🇮. We support overall reform, including the reform of the #SecurityCouncil. By respecting international law, we’ll all avoid ‘peace in pieces.'
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1631948712871116800
#RaisinaDialogue2023 #UN #Slovenia #SecurityCouncil
RT @irishmissionun: "The principles of the UN Charter are a matter of convenience.
They are not merely words on paper.
They are at the core of who we are."
UN SG @antonioguterres in the #SecurityCouncil as we mark one year since Russia's violation of the Charter & aggression against #Ukraine.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1629151718876348416
As part of her mission to the UN in New York, the EU Special Representative for the Sahel, Emanuela Del Re @ecdelre, met with UNSC members, UN officials, EU ambassadors and hosted an event on International Support to the Sahel.
RT @ecdelre: Interesting working lunch at the @EUatUN Delegation in New York organized by Amb. @OlofBSkoog with the members of the UN #SecurityCouncil whom I thank. Insightful and pragmatic conversation on common strategies and actions to b…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1622969652337942528
Best wishes to 🇪🇨🇯🇵🇲🇹🇲🇿🇨🇭 on starting their two-year term as non-permanent members of the @UN #SecurityCouncil. This is a time for decisive actions to address the Council's goal of international peace & security. It's absolutely essential that Belarus stays high on the 🌍 agenda.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/Tsihanouskaya/status/1610607577812934656
#Ukraine initiated the process of expelling #Russia from the #UN.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro #Kuleba said that Russia "occupied" the USSR's seat at the #UnitedNations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially stated its detailed and reasoned position on why Russia's membership in the UN #SecurityCouncil and the organization as a whole is illegitimate.
#ukraine #russia #un #Kuleba #unitednations #SecurityCouncil
RT @irishmissionun: The #SecurityCouncil agreed a press statement on the attack against @UNIFIL_ in #Lebanon which killed Private Rooney & injured 3 other Irish Peacekeepers.
Members of the #UNSC called on the Government of Lebanon to swiftly investigate the attack & bring perpetrators to justice⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/simoncoveney/status/1603550487181139970
#SecurityCouncil #Lebanon #unsc
@defenceforces @UNPeacekeeping #SecurityCouncil
RT @irishmissionun: Following the killing of Private Rooney in #Lebanon @defenceforces & @UNIFIL_, the #SecurityCouncil held a minute silence honouring all those who paid the ultimate price serving the cause of peace.
Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.
@UNPeacekeeping @defenceforces @UNIFIL_
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/simoncoveney/status/1603514741707644928
RT @irishmissionun: @DrSJaishankar @antonioguterres @UN_PGA @IrelandAmbUN @dfatirl @DFAPeaceSupport @IrelandRepBru @EUatUN @IndiaUNNewYork As the #SecurityCouncil discusses the future of multilateralism, we must also consider the future of this Council.
The veto is an anachronism. UNSC composition is outdated.
The calls for #UNSC reform grow louder. As @IrelandAmbUN pointed out today, now is the time to answer.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/simoncoveney/status/1603114076971859973