New AWS::SecurityHub::Standard
Use the AWS::SecurityHub::Standard resource to enable a specified security standard in Security Hub. #securityhub #cloudformation
New AWS::SecurityHub::Hub
Use the EnableDefaultStandards property to specify whether you want to enable security standards that Security Hub has designated as default standards. For more information, see Automatically enabled security standards. #securityhub #cloudformation
New AWS::SecurityHub::Hub
Use the ControlFindingGenerator property to specify whether you want Security Hub to generate a single finding or separate findings when a control applies to multiple standards. For more information, see Consolidated control findings. #securityhub #cloudformation
New AWS::SecurityHub::Hub
Use the AutoEnableControls property to specify whether you want Security Hub to automatically enable new controls as they are added to your enabled standards. For more information, see Enabling new controls in enabled standards automatically. #securityhub #cloudformation
New AWS::SecurityHub::AutomationRule
Use the AWS::SecurityHub::AutomationRule resource to specify an automation rule based on input parameters. #securityhub #cloudformation
Been spending a bit of time with #aws #securityhub and it seems that Security Hub does not see Yubikey as a "hardware" MFA device and flags it as not compliant. Duo Token is not support. Anyone know of a "hardware" MFA device that passes compliance?
This morning starts with the same problem I had yesterday. A really weird error on #AWS trying to integrate #Trivy with #SecurityHub. According to the documentation it should be very simple -- and it is, except for this #IAM permissions error that is misleading, since I apparently have all possible permissions.
BTW — Is it weird that I feel happier when I spend time fixing technical problems instead of doing things that work first time? 😅