Welcome to the devil! #ArabLegue #Syria
Bashar #Assad the butcher of #Syria is back on the table.
But never forget:
Several #Branches
#Koblenz showed:
#Syria is a destroyed state of fear and pain
RT @OzKaterji: And with that, every dictatorship in the Middle East welcomed the most prolific mass murderer of the 21st century back into the fold. https://t.co/bo8rzY90LT
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1655171207199703041
#ArabLegue #Syria #Assad #Sednaye #branches #ForcedRcruitment #collectivepunishment #torture #Koblenz
#Sednaye is THE military prison. One of the darkest places in side #Syria.
I will take his political sponsorship.
I want to know where #Ayman is and if he is still alive #Freedom4Ayman #SyriaIsNotSafe
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1622162971274117120
#Sednaye #Syria #Ayman #Freedom4Ayman #SyriaIsNotSafe
One day the police came into his house:,, we will bring him back in 48 hoursโ the police said.
Family and friends are still waiting for him. Ayman was brought to #Sednaye
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1622162318904762368
Ich fordere alle auf sich fรผr die Freilassung und bessere Haftbedingungen syrischer Gefangene einzusetzen
@RobertaMetsola #EP #SyriaIsNotSafe
Ich kรคmpfe fรผr #AymanAntabli der seit Jahren im Foltergefรคngnis in #Sednaye sitzt #Syria #Syrien
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1619690344282738688
#EP #SyriaIsNotSafe #AymanAntabli #Sednaye #Syria #Syrien
Many calls
Many posts today. But please don't forget about people #Syria
I ask president Bashar #Assad:
Mr president: where are the detainees in #Sednaye?
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1619683303875031040
Niccht zu vergessen wie viele Syrer in u.a. in #Sednaye sitzen
Auch hier kann man mal in der syrischen Botschaft in #Berlin nachhaken
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1614256738940641280
#Sednaye #Berlin #WhereAreMyfriends
@jeniferfenton We must call for access to #Sednaye and other prisons #FreeThemAll #SyriaisNotSafe
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1605918218027208707
#Sednaye #FreeThemAll #SyriaIsNotSafe
You studied in #GreatBritian together with your lovely wife
My question to you Mr president #Assad ,
Why you bring people to #Sednaye and other prisons?
Don't threatened Syrians because they know me
E-Mail me:Katrin.Langensiepen@euroaprl.europa.eu
๐ฆ๐: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1599397943936548867
#GreatBritian #Assad #Bashar #Sednaye
@syrianmofaex @FilippoGrandi @UNHCRinSYRIA Please as Member of the European Parliament: did you talk about any conditions? What about:
Mr #Assad? If you want money for reconstruction? I want answers #FreeThemAll
๐ฆ๐: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1571123323156967425
#Sednaye #Forceddisappeared #ForcedArmy #Assad #FreeThemAll
Dear #EU @EU_Commission nice idea visiting the #Assad area in #Syria to show ,,safeโ #Syria seems to be
Where is your critical voice on
The @EP_ForeignAff is clear here
No diplomatic talks,visit inside #Syria ๐ช๐บ
RT @DanStoenescuEU: Baladi News: ๐ช๐บ EU: No Change in Brusselsโ Policy Towards Syria
๐ฆ๐: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1566493405059977218
#EU #Assad #Syria #Sednaye #ForcedDisapeared
@facon_clothilde @AR2011B โSuperโ on ouvre maintenant les portes des prisons?
#sednaye par ex. #FreeThemAll ๐
๐ฆ๐: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1561043744794845184
@joman_hasan90 I am still waiting for pictures and interview partners who survived #Sednaye and the other military prisons inside #Syria #Ironyoff
๐ฆ๐: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1528023162650345472