@onalifeglug @philosophy Yes, Paul Krafel's excellent book #SeeingNature goes deeply into this. Click on the hashtag for some excerpts I posted earlier.
"Leading the water with a channel was easier than forcing the water with a dam. In fact, if I built the channel before starting the dam, my dam did not have to be as large, because the turning water didn't push against the dam as much. This discovery felt profound and rich with allegory. Offer a new path before opposing the old path."
#SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"I am like the grass, I thought. My efforts prevent the erosion from being worse. Even if the flood washes away my efforts, my resistance will have absorbed some of the flood's energy and lessened the erosion that otherwise would have happened."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"I am part of life too. When I sit within the healing peace of Aspen Canyon, the emerald forests of Gaia invite me to become a conscious participant in the creation of this healing peace and beauty. I want to accept the invitation, but I am not sure how. When I sit within Sand Canyon, the slipping soil and withering plants cry out to my heart for help. But I do not know how to help. What can one person do?"
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"As I mature, a desire grows within me to press forward and feel the resisting wind against my face, to help cleave a passage for the impossibilities that can follow."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Blossoming flowers move 'up 'while rotting leaves and weathering rocks flow 'down'."
#SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Flowing 'releases 'energy and happens spontaneously. Lifting requires energy; it does not happen spontaneously."
#SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Each cycle has two parts: the 'lifting up 'part that requires energy and the 'flowing down 'part that releases energy."
#SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"This ancient world should be lying still, and yet it is covered with flows. This implies that everything I see flowing over the surface of this ancient Earth is part of a cycle."
#holochain #SeeingNature #PaulKrafel
"Things flow 'downhill 'until they reach the 'bottom, ' where they stop and become 'out of play. 'Everything within the flow will eventually accumulate at the bottom unless a source of energy comes along and lifts them back 'into play'."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Acceleration, not position. This advice has reduced the amount of energy I expend worrying about my 'position 'within my community or about keeping up appearances. Status becomes noisy static. Am I applying myself in the direction of the goals important to me' If so, fine. If not, better get started again."
#SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Acceleration is the fundamental level because this is the level at which forces work and initiate change. A ferry boat, for example, must reverse its engines as it approaches the dock in order to arrive at the correct position of the dock with the proper velocity of zero". #SeeingNature #PaulKrafel #holochain
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"If I try to improve a deteriorating situation, I should be prepared psychologically for the situation to first get worse. This does not mean that my actions are futile. It just means it takes time to reverse momentum. Things have to get worse before they get better. Instead of becoming discouraged, I should focus on whether the deterioration is slowing down."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"In our national government, we must be precise in distinguishing between 'reducing the debt 'and 'reducing the deficit.' The first phrase means moving out of debt. The second phrase means slowing down the rate at which one moves ever further into debt. There is a difference."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"The atmosphere, the Earth's temperature, ice caps, and sea level are all group level expressions of invisible flows. These things that we take for granted will remain constant only if their underlying flows remain balanced."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Most of our environmental problems are examples of taken-for-granted certainties changing in unexpected ways."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"Unbalanced flows are unstable; they must adjust or soon disappear. Balanced flows can endure; the world gradually fills with balanced flows."
#holochain #PaulKrafel #SeeingNature
"The balance between inflow and outflow determines what happens on the group level. If I make a million dollars per day, my bank account will still dwindle if I spend two million dollars per day. If I reduce living expenses to twenty cents per week, my bank account will still dwindle if I make only ten cents a week. The balance is relative."
"Begin the work even though you cannot see the path by which this work can lead to your goal. Do not block your power with your current understanding."
In the next few days I will be posting excerpts from the book #SeeingNature by Paul Krafel. A foundational text for the founders of #holochain and highly recommended by me as well.