@Pabamiti @Natanox @nomain @netzpolitik_feed Und selbst #Threema ist wegen der Zentralisierung unsicher, weil da reicht es einfach den Traffic zu deren Systemen aufzuzeichnen ..
Nur kompett dezentralisierte Systeme die komplett #SelfHosting-fähig sind (#eMail mit PGP/MIME & #XMPP-#OMEMO) können sicher sein, wenn diese korrekt aufgesetzt und konfiguriert sind - bei allen Beteiligten.
#omemo #XMPP #Email #SelfHosting #Threema
man i really want to make an old ass laptop a server so i can finally achieve the beauty of #SelfHosting
i might host a #Fediverse platform, but let it be single-user only, so that i can save memory
#Caldav and #CardDav ?
let me know what you use and how nice or un-nice it is.
#lazytoot #boost for visibility #selfhosting
#caldav #carddav #lazytoot #boost #SelfHosting
🎉 DEFGUARD massive 0.7.0 🎉
1. Forward auth for reverse #proxy
2. Remote user enrollment
3. User onboarding after enrollment
4. Email/#SMTP support
5. Send debug/support information
6. Native #FreeBSD #Wireguard #Kernel support
7. #OPNSense Plugin
8. UI #React Components Library
Full release notes:
#security #vpn #OpenSource #openid #privacy #selfHosted #SelfHosting
#proxy #FreeBSD #wireguard #kernel #opnsense #React #security #VPN #OpenSource #openid #privacy #selfHosted #SelfHosting
@b33fpebble @jnbhlr @yassie_j also it just works on Mobile and Desktop - espechally #Linux - and doesn't #paywall #SelfHosting nor is a #Subscription-only "#SaaS" with a questionable "#Cloud" that literally begs to be #backdoored with #Govware.
#govware #backdoored #Cloud #saas #subscription #SelfHosting #paywall #Linux
@tompa interesting. I had many posts about #selfhosting here at Mastodon and often mentioned about #Mailcow, too. Thanks for your recommendation.
#SelfHosting #mailcow #FreeSoftware #privacy #email
Why is every client implementation of #WebDAV so slow and/or buggy?? #selfhosting
So my favorite podcasting app decided to add a bunch of ads to its paid version. Time to look for a new solution! What are people using these days? I have a #FreshRSS instance, so a good client player app might be the ticket. #selfhosting
Defguard Gateway now supports 🎇native #WireGuard in #FreeBSD #kernel
We also added a #opnsense plugin to configure your #vpn gateway in the official UI.
More details:
#floss #devops #docker #selfhosted #SelfHosting #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
#wireguard #FreeBSD #kernel #opnsense #VPN #FLOSS #devops #Docker #selfHosted #SelfHosting #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
@trashheap weird...
Did you report the issues to the devs?
Which instance did you use??
I'd recommend https://meet.golem.de if #SelfHosting is not an option!
Think I might look into spinning up my own Lemmy instance. anyone else have one? Anything i should look out for issue wise or be aware of?
@aetus @colinstu @libreoffice @mozilla @ubuntu Consider @CollaboraOffice on @nextcloud as alternative to #Office365, with the added bonus that YOU get to decide WHO hosts it (including the option to do #SelfHosting), which IMHO is a major advantage.
After all, #CloudAct exist and/or you've got to comply to some regulations and/or have a list of vetted service providers (been there done that)…
So whether you want to use i.e. @Stuxhost or any other provider is up to you - or whoever is deciding…
#cloudact #SelfHosting #office365
@rysiek "Watch me cancelling the service and start #SelfHosting or buying #ManagedHosting from someone who doesn't treat customers like shit"
@legumancer consider #Zulip for #Chat and #BigBlueButton for #Videoconferecing then?
Both are - like #JitsiMeet - available not only as #ManagedService from several providers but also #SelfHosting-capable.
#SelfHosting #ManagedService #JitsiMeet #videoconferecing #BigBlueButton #Chat #zulip
@blinkygal Thus the only winning move is to refuse to use any services of said companies and boycott them into insolvency!
The only winning move otherwise is to specifically choose someone who solely is being paid to keep things up and running OR even better: #SelfHosting!
Otherwise one is complicit by consent in a legally enforceable way!
I didn't make the rules and I hate those rules as well!
#whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #notlegaladvice #SelfHosting
@Melodychu143 for some reason mstdn.jp is basically blocklisted by most western instances.
Including mstdn.social, which @stux can confirm.
This is one of the reasons why @fuchsiii is #SelfHosting her own instance...
@crazy2bike @mariusmichusch @libreoffice zumal es Auch bei #LibreOffice jene #Ribbons gibt und mit @CollaboraOffice in @nextcloud nen #DropIn-Replacement für #OfficeOnline gibt - und das #SelfHosting-fähig als auch bei diversen Anbietern die ander als #Microsoft #DSGVO & #BDSG einhalten (können & wollen!)...
#bdsg #dsgvo #Microsoft #SelfHosting #officeonline #dropin #ribbons #LibreOffice
What are some interesting server applications that make use of a lot of RAM?
I have an Asus mini PC that I use as a server. I bought 64 GB RAM for it because I thought I would use it for self-hosting LLMs, but it turns out its GPU is not powerful enough to get good performance out of it.
So now, I’m stuck with a server that has 64 GB of RAM, while only needing 16 at most for what I’m doing with it, and I’m looking for ways to utilize all that extra RAM.
Thanks for any ideas!
@JessTheUnstill this is why all #Centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions are inherently bad:
Users get the unreliability of poorly managed #SelfHosting with the price tag of #ManagedHosting and a #toxic #LockIn on top!
#lockin #toxic #ManagedHosting #SelfHosting #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
How many of you are hosting their own mastodon/activitypub instances? Why?