Updated my Self!Sim tonight. Did a few small face tweaks, changed up a couple skin details, and also changed the hair to my current shaggy mess.
Still aspirational and better looking than I really am, but idgaf. 😎
[Eyes, hairline, and skinblend by me; you can check out my custom content at:
:plumbob4: http://rheallsim.tumblr.com/ ]
#thesims4 #sims4 #ts4 #SelfSim
I just couldn't let this day go uncelebrated ✨
Happy Mass Effect Legendary Edition Release Day to all the other N7 nerds out there!! 🥰
(You can see more of my cringy sims stuff here: http://rheallsim.tumblr.com)
#MassEffect #N7 #GarrusVakarian #Sims4 #SelfSim #TS4 #S4 #TheSims4
#masseffect #n7 #garrusvakarian #sims4 #SelfSim #ts4 #s4 #thesims4