Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
95 followers · 1011 posts · Server

is into the : It’s common, though misguided, for US leaders to brush aside comparisons to famously cities like Copenhagen and Berlin, insisting that is too deeply ingrained to be dislodged. But it’s much harder to dismiss the stunning progress in the European Union’s host .

A Belgian Lesson in Taming the Automobile

#brokentaillight #racism #redlined #socialfabric #multimodal #american #autocentrism #city #carfree #beyondev #subsistence #SelfSufficient

Last updated 1 year ago

Things continue to disintegrate both with climate and politics. People are scrambling to either survive, help in some way or pretend nothing is happening. I see the stress in people everywhere. Our systems and infrastructure are maxed out and falling apart. Housing is too expensive and/or impossible to find. Jobs don't pay enough. Prices are rising across the board. Certain products are getting harder to find. Government overreach continues to escalate. Society is becoming non-functional. It's 3 steps forward, 2 back. Collapse is creeping along but inevitable, like slow moving lava.

The choice that I've made as my own way to contribute is to combine 2 households of my family into one. This may be permanent depending on how things go in the next few years. I've been a prepper for years- not the bunker, beans and bullets kind- but the kind that gather the tools, knowledge and resources to be self-sufficient not only in times of local difficulties but also for possible wide-spread failures due to extremes in climate, government, war, or natural disaster.

The range of skills and abilities in my household just quadrupled. I will now live with a disciple of Xin Yi Lui He and other related traditional martial arts (methods of defence), spinning, weaving, most fibre and fabric arts, infection control, building skills, skills to compliment my own gardening and land use. Along with everything I do and have learned over the years, we have a better chance at thriving together. My house is going to be louder and messier, but stronger and more efficient at everything.

#prepping #selfreliant #SelfSufficient #homestead #oldskills

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
64 followers · 524 posts · Server

degradation using : peoples in Kenya are , and highly successful at living in conditions many others would find challenging. The NRT project puts all that at risk. © Beckwith & Fisher


#bloodcarbon #carbonoffsets #pastoralist #nomadic #SelfSufficient

Last updated 1 year ago

Davis · @carpeinferi
137 followers · 350 posts · Server

For those with whole home , what are quality brands and gotchas? Recent wide spread outages in the area has me thinking about investing in one.

#SelfSufficient #prepper #GENERATORS

Last updated 2 years ago