A short list of wild Edible and Medicinal Plants and Herbs growing in many areas of BC for wildcrafting.

(Note: there are many other uses than what I have listed, don't use any of these if you are pregnant or nursing and research everything from a reputable source before using yourself)

Plantain: Plantago Major and Plantago Lanceolata- fresh leaves for bee and wasp stings, salads. Soothing skin salve.
Dandelion: Taraxacum Officinale (Asteraceae)- flowers for wine, roots for coffee-like beverage, leaves for salads and tonics
Mullein: Verbascum- leaves and flowers for teas, coughs, bronchitis and sore chest
Red Clover: Trifolium pratense- teas for coughs and colds, skin wash for psoriasis, flowers in salad
Periwinkle: Vinca minor- astringent for bleeding, mouth wash for ulcers, sore throat, bleeding gums (unsafe to take internally- use with caution)
Elderberry: Sambucus Caerulea (blue variety)-
flowers for teas, berries for wine, mead, syrups and cough drops. Enhances immunity.
Hawthorne: Crataegus monogyna (Rosaceae)- young leaves in salad. berries for elixir, brandy, syrups. Good for regulating heart rate.
Horsetail: Equisetum- astringent for wound healing, also useful for scrubbing pots
Wild Rose: Rosa acicularis- petals and rose hips for jelly, jam, incense
Pine: Pinus- resin and leaves for incense, leaves for flavouring meat and tea
Douglas Fir: Pseudotsuga menziesii- leaves for flavouring whisky, and meat
Western Red Cedar: Thuja plicata- bark and leaves for incense
Mahonia (Oregon Grape): Mahonia aquifolium or the dwarf plant nervosa- many medicinal uses for the root, but I only use the berries for jelly and syrup.

#wildcrafting #foraging #SelfSustainability #wildmedicine #plantknowledge

Last updated 1 year ago

prainbow · @prainbow
88 followers · 759 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Reading about the implications of the drying of the Colorado River, I think I need to look at growing my own winter greens. Either I set up a grow table in the basement or I heat the little greenhouse or both.

#cimatechange #drought #coloradoriver #SelfSustainability

Last updated 2 years ago

RJ · @RJ
31 followers · 26 posts · Server aus.social

I just recently set up a veggie patch in our garden, these two were my official first 'harvest'! 👨‍🌾 Has anyone else tried growing snacksicums? It's a humble beginning, but I find it fascinating how simple acts like gardening and caring for crops change the way I think and feel about the plants that nourish us. I might not be able to grow proper meals out of my tiny veggie patch, but hoping to gradually increase the amount; and share stories and photos along the way!

#humblebeginnings #snacksicum #capsicum #food #SelfSustainability #photography #foodphotography #growingfood #growyourownfood #plantbaseddiet #nikon #gardening

Last updated 2 years ago