#idw #Raven|s were attracted to humans’ food more than 30,000 years ago.
University of #Tübingen and the #Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and #Palaeoenvironment team investigates human-raven relationships. https://idw-online.de/en/news816438
#idw #raven #tubingen #Senckenberg #Palaeoenvironment
RT @uni_tue
Genetic data from the Altai 7,500 years ago indicate high mobility of ancient hunter-gatherers: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/university/news-and-publications/press-releases/press-releases/article/genetic-data-from-the-altai-7500-years-ago-indicate-high-mobility-of-ancient-hunter-gatherers/ #Archaeology #Senckenberg 📷: Alexey A.Tishkin
#idw #archaeology In your face, vegans: Humans have been using #bear skins for at least 300,000 years. A research team from the University of #Tübingen and the #Senckenberg Centre for Human #Evolution and #Palaeoenvironment Tübingen examines traces on bones from the archaeological site of #Schöningen in Lower Saxony (#Niedersachsen)
Link english: https://idw-online.de/en/news807142
Link german: https://idw-online.de/de/news807140
#idw #archaeology #bear #tubingen #Senckenberg #evolution #Palaeoenvironment #schoningen #Niedersachsen
Vortragsreihe #Senckenberg. Letzte Woche hörten wir Senckenbergs Gedanken zum Tod und diese Woche am Do., 1.12.22 widmen wir uns Senckenberg und der Botanik. Infos zu allen Terminen unter https://www.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/veranstaltungen/ #ubffm /wb
Leitende*r Bibliothekar*in, E9b TV-L, zunächst befristet für die Dauer von 2 Jahren, Vollzeit, Ref.#08-21001 Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz | Bewerbungsfrist: 18.04.2021 https://www.senckenberg.de/de/ueber-uns/karriere/fachkraefte/#content-0004_1 | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/59473 #openbibliojobs #Informationsdienste #Senckenberg #Bibliothek #Görlitz
#görlitz #bibliothek #Senckenberg #Informationsdienste #openbibliojobs
Came across some #Mastodon pictures :)
from #Sonisphere #Finland in 2009
and #Senckenberg natural history museum in #Frankfurt in 2017
#mastodon #Sonisphere #finland #Senckenberg #frankfurt