Unboxing the Sentinel Comics Custom Dice Set
Check out what you get with the Custom Dice Set for the Sentinels Comics RPG from Greater Than Games
#SentinelComics #superherorpg #dice #rpgdice
So that’s ”HoK” #ChampionsRPG, someone else’s game, #SentinelComics, someone else’s game, and then what?
Apparently #MutantsAndMasterminds, that’s freakin’ what. Because again the Foundry support slaps, that’s why. Plus it has a different and interesting take on point-buy mechanics.
Wow, I’m starting to look like a terrible name dropper, aren’t I?
That’s sort of the problem, in fact. I’m not the #ForeverGM because I need people to take turns between the things I run. But... 3/4
#ChampionsRPG #SentinelComics #mutantsandmasterminds #foreverGM
Right, so Wednesday nights I’m currently running #iHunt for a completely different group, so I’m doing prep for two groups in two different games. Sometimes that’s a problem, but GM B started up for a few sessions. Pressure’s off me for now on Thursday. So what do I do??
I talk up a short run in #SentinelComics, because I like Foundry’s support for it, even if it isn’t updated for version 11 yet.
So that’ll run after I get #HeroesOfKebbon to a breakpoint and someone else goes…
#ihunt #SentinelComics #heroesofkebbon
@wickermanstudios I like the #SentinelComics RPG sourcebook because it does its actual play examples as comics panels, as in Page 35, which demonstrates how to begin a social scene and what happens after it's done.
Fan of #Superheroes, be it #Supers or #SentinelComics or #SavageWorlds Superpowers? Thwart the plans of evil corporations - save the University of Costumed Superheroes with #FreeSoftware https://u.fsf.org/fsfheroes animated video by @fsf
#superheroes #supers #SentinelComics #savageworlds #freesoftware
Das Superkräfte-Kompendium für #SavageWorlds steht an! Zwängt euch in Spandex und rettet eure Stadt!
Michael Mingers gibt einen Überblick für #SWADE Fans
https://ulisses-spiele.de/das-superkraefte-kompendium-steht-an/ -
Wer noch mehr Comic-Superhelden will hat nur noch 8 Tage Zeit ins #SentinelComics #Crowdfunding einzusteigen. https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf1091/sentinel-comics-das-rollenspiel.html
#savageworlds #swade #SentinelComics #crowdfunding #pnpde #rollenspiel #UlissesSpiele #GameOnTabletop
After work ended for the day and after a late dinner, I did some more conceptual work on figuring out the details for my new #SentinelComics #TTRPG character. I know her hero name, my GM helped me figure out that last Quality for which I have a d8, and I found an image that sort of fits what she's like as a superhero.
It's also going to be the first time I RP a character who is part-Filipino. I've never done that, because so many of the other characters I've created have not been #Filipinix.
#filipinix #ttrpg #SentinelComics
Once more for the post-work crowd in the Pacific and equivalent time zone!
Are you open for art commissions for a B/W or greyscale illustration of a superhero character for a #SentinelComics #TTRPG campaign which will begin this coming weekend? Please send a private reply to this linked post with your best images that fit the description inside. I am offering this opportunity to folks on Mastodon first because I want the art community here to thrive!
#mastoart #ttrpg #SentinelComics
LBs: Trying to catch the "later in the day" #MastoArt folks who are open for illustration commissions. I'm letting y'all have right of first response because I want to help this community become a viable place for people to advertise for their #TTRPG art needs. #ArtCommissionRequest #SentinelComics
#SentinelComics #artcommissionrequest #ttrpg #mastoart
Powers: Presence (d10), Agility (d8), Suggestion (d8), Flight (d12)
Qualities: Fitness (d10), Creativity (d8), Persuasion (d6), [A UNIQUE QUALITY I CAN'T THINK OF YET] (d6), Magical Lore (d6)
Background: Upper Class
Power Source: Accident
Archetype: Armoured
Personality: Alluring
She also doesn't have a name yet.
@fionawhim @teamupmoves I just rolled up my first #SentinelComics character and I love how the randomization works, once it was properly explained to me.
Hello #MastodonArtists! I created a superhero character for an upcoming #SentinelComics #TTRPG campaign, and I am looking to commission an artist to help me come up with her appearance.
If you're currently open to commissions, please send a private reply to this toot with a link to your rate sheet and any examples of B/W and/or grayscale full-body images of a single character with only a minimal background. Boosts and recs also welcome!
#artcommissionrequest #ttrpg #SentinelComics #mastodonartists
🎲 🦸♀️ 🥳 Finally got a chance to use these!
#rpg #rpgs #ttrpg #ttrpgs #roleplayinggame #roleplayinggames #roleplaying #roleplay #tabletop #tabletoproleplayinggame #tabletoproleplayinggames #tabletoproleplaying #tabletoproleplay #dice #pridedice #pride #queerpride #transpride #bipride #queer #trans #transgender #transsexual #bi #biromantic #bisexual #heartbeatdice #sentinelsofthemultiverse #sentinelcomics #sentinelcomicsrpg #sentinelcomicsroleplayinggame #energydrinks #energydrink #caffeine
#rpg #rpgs #ttrpg #ttrpgs #roleplayinggame #roleplayinggames #roleplaying #roleplay #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #TabletopRoleplayingGames #tabletoproleplaying #tabletoproleplay #dice #pridedice #pride #queerpride #transpride #BiPride #queer #trans #transgender #transsexual #bi #biromantic #bisexual #heartbeatdice #sentinelsofthemultiverse #SentinelComics #sentinelcomicsrpg #sentinelcomicsroleplayinggame #energydrinks #Energydrink #caffeine
@RufuScott After having fun times playing #Mothership, #SentinelComics and (the excellent) Romance of The Perilous Land, some chums and I have started playing #DND.
We have reasonably regular sessions, online via #Roll20 and IRL (see photo), and routinely bemuse our DM no end with our bumbling ability to drag out a campaign.
#mothership #SentinelComics #dnd #roll20
6. #13thAge: I signed up to the 2e playtest but have been really busy over the last two months and haven’t engaged with it yet.
7. #SentinelComics: I really love the ruleset but still haven’t tried it out. Finding a group that wants to play supers games has been tricky.
8. #Monsterhearts: for old times sale if nothing else. Or maybe #ThirstySwordLesbians instead
9. #Agon
10. #Hillfolk still hasn’t had a proper go
#13thage #SentinelComics #monsterhearts #ThirstySwordLesbians #agon #hillfolk
Note: this was my first proper post, but I've just moved servers so I'm reposting it.
Since I'm a #ttrpg gamer, I'm going to join in here with my #5and5
Last 5 played:
#Whitehack (Transformers)
Last 5 run:
#OneDice (Goblins)
#MiniSix (zombie survival game)
#ODnD (original edition)
Next things 5 I would like to play or GM:
#Buffy (possibly via #MonsterOfTheWeek)
#ttrpg #5and5 #wfrp4e #SentinelComics #13thage #CthulhuDark #whitehack #OneDice #minisix #BasicFantasyRPG #odnd #Mausritter #pugmire #buffy #monsteroftheweek #callofcthulhu #overtheedge
tfw one of your hosts is a software engineer and is bringing 10,000 simulated rolls to the discussion of dice outcomes in #SentinelComics
Prepping our Miro board for today’s recording of #SentinelComics!
(btw the aesthetics and mechanisms of this game feel like they were made for Fiona, specifically)
Shout out to the randomization in character creation from Sentinel Comics RPG, as one of the PCs in our @teamupmoves episode will be literally one of the witches from Macbeth. #ttrpg #SentinelComics
@Role_Play_Chat Light or heavy does not matter much to me, but my favorite is when the mechanics hold up as interesting and engaging in their own right.
#FateOfTheNorns is a game like that at the heavier end. #SentinelComics is a lighter one.
#FateOfTheNorns #SentinelComics