Here’s a fun look back at computer “networking” back in the early 8bit days.
Here's a bit of a twist on #SepTandy - a 1974 experiment involving Radio Shack and toymaker Marx, where Radio Shack sold an electric train set.
Today's #SepTandy #retrocomputing content: The Tandy MMS-10 under-monitor speakers from the early 90s. Including an easy fix if you get a set and they don't sound good.
Ohh so we’ve got #Septandy AND #Suntember!? 🤩
#SepTandy #suntember #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing
Are bloggers allowed to participate in #SepTandy ? Well, this one's gonna. Let's kick things off with a look at the Tandy CM-5 #crt monitor. #retrocomputing
#SepTandy #crt #retrocomputing
I thought for #septandy i would dig out my model 4 from storage and get it working. I remember there being a problem with the keyboard.
Well I guess I already did that. The keyboard works and it looks like I swapped the broken key with the 2nd enter. And there where 2 cpm floppy’s in the drives that work fine. Maybe I should start a project so I can keep this stuff organized lol