Is the digital age dawning for the #GreatGreenWall? Project launched by UNCCD @FAO @globhedrones @OpenForis uses satellite data to recognize individual baobabs and plot them on a map.
Major boost to conservation and restoration in the Sahel #UNited4Land #SEPAL
#Sepal #UNited4Land #GreatGreenWall
▶️ Watch the video recording of se.plan side event: #SEPAL forest restoration planning tool at http://bit.ly/3PrHsqb #WFCKorea
👉🏻 se.plan is promoted through #UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in the #FERM platform
💡 se.plan is a spatially explicit online tool designed to support forest restoration planning decisions by restoration stakeholders https://docs.sepal.io/en/latest/modules/dwn/seplan.html
#Sepal #WFCKorea #un #ferm #forestdata #data #forest #generationrestoration