How a Portuguese citizenship loophole became a door into the EU.
A 2013 law was supposed to make it easier for descendants of expelled Portuguese Jews to obtain citizenship. But its loose rules allowed a lucrative business to emerge, which is now at the heart of a judicial investigation.
#Portugal #EU #Citizenship #EUCitizenship #SephardicJews #Sephardic #Jews #Diaspora
#Diaspora #jews #Sephardic #sephardicjews #eucitizenship #citizenship #EU #portugal
I feel continually blessed that my son is marrying a wonderful young lady. Her family is Sephardic (so yeah, mixed marriage, you know?) and today I learned some Ladino.
"En boca cerada no entra la moshka" == A closed mouth lets in no flies.
They have promised that there will be more lessons - hopefully this useful!
@sheepchase @imstilljeremy @mazeldon
The difference between Reform's view on halakhah and Conservative Judaism's is big. Even the most tradition respecting Reform rabbis (e.g. Washofsky ) hold that halakhah is subject to personal autonomy, i.e. Jews always have total autonomy over what to believe, or do, if anything.
In Conservative (and #Sephardic, and #ModernOrthodox) we see #halakhah as our understanding of God's will and thus obligatory, even when differing on interpretations
#Sephardic #modernorthodox #halakhah
When Europeans went to America they didn’t find ancient manuscripts of Shakespeare: because they were colonisers
Jews in Israel find ancient manuscripts written in Hebrew, the same language they speak today, describing the same rituals they observe: because they’re indigenous.
- Lee Kern
#Jewish #Judaism #Torah #OrthodoxJudaism #ConservativeJudaism #ReformJudaism #havurah #beitmidrash #indigenous #Israel #Zion #Zionism #AshkenaziJews #Ashkenazi #Sephardic #SephardicJews #Mizrachi #MizrachiJew
#jewish #judaism #torah #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism #reformJudaism #havurah #beitmidrash #indigenous #Israel #zion #zionism #ashkenazijews #ashkenazi #Sephardic #sephardicjews #mizrachi #mizrachijew
Echate a la Mar
Traditional #sephardic song arranged by #Samaïa
#musica #musique #music #musik #lunasilva #noemienael #eleonorefourniau #samaia #Sephardic #classicalmusic
Happy birthday, Baruch de Spinoza! In einem WDR ZeitZeichen von Melahat Simsek zu Ehren seines 390. Geburtstags spreche ich u.a. den düsteren Bannfluch, den die Jüdische Gemeinde zu Amsterdam gegen den Freidenker aus ihrer Mitte verhängte. #spinoza #demokratie #saekular #freiheit #aufklaerung #juedisch #ausschluss #vordenker #pantheismus #philosophie #amsterdam #sephardic #rationality #Vernunft #Wahrheit #courage #oeffentlichrechtlich Anhören? Bitte hier entlang:
#oeffentlichrechtlich #courage #wahrheit #vernunft #rationality #Sephardic #amsterdam #philosophie #Pantheismus #vordenker #ausschluss #juedisch #aufklaerung #freiheit #saekular #demokratie #spinoza
Happy birthday, Baruch de Spinoza! In einem WDR ZeitZeichen von Melahat Simsek zu Ehren seines 390. Geburtstags spreche ich u.a. den düsteren Bannfluch, den die Jüdische Gemeinde zu Amsterdam gegen den Freidenker aus ihrer Mitte verhängte. #spinoza #demokratie #saekular #freiheit #aufklaerung #juedisch #ausschluss #vordenker #pantheismus #philosophie #amsterdam #sephardic #rationality #Vernunft #Wahrheit #courage #oeffentlichrechtlich Anhören? Bitte hier entlang:
#spinoza #demokratie #saekular #freiheit #aufklaerung #juedisch #ausschluss #vordenker #Pantheismus #philosophie #amsterdam #Sephardic #rationality #vernunft #wahrheit #courage #oeffentlichrechtlich
Hello out there! I'm a #Sephardic songstress, author, activist. I rock out in #Ladino old and new. I also write #kidlit with #Jewish and #Sephardi themes. I'm looking forward to connecting with thoughtful people here!
#Sephardic #ladino #kidlit #jewish #sephardi
Hello out there! I'm a #Sephardic songstress/writer/activist. I rock out in #Ladino old and new. I also write #kidlit books with #Jewish themes. Looking forward to connecting with thoughtful people here!
#jewish #kidlit #ladino #Sephardic
#musique #musik #music #musica
#EstherLamandier - #YUnaMadre (#France, 1985)
Esther Lamandier - Y una madre (France, 1985) #Ladino / #Sephardic / גֿודֿיאו-איספאנייול / #JudeoEspañol / Judeo-Spanish / #JewishSpanish folk song
#musique #musik #Music #musica #EstherLamandier #YUnaMadre #france #ladino #Sephardic #JudeoEspañol #JewishSpanish
#musica #musik #music #musique
#LaRosaEnflorece - #NaniLadino #Sephardic | נאני - לה רוזה פריחת הוורד לאדינו
Join my newsletter: Ladino album: rosa enflorese...
#musica #musik #Music #musique #LaRosaEnflorece #NaniLadino #Sephardic