The Weird Admiral · @weirdadmiral
90 followers · 1056 posts · Server

Heute endlich mein -Projekt gestartet: , Tag 1! 🏴‍☠️

Die Geschichte macht schon ab Minute eins Spaß, auch wenn die Grafik natürlich etwas in die Jahre gekommen ist. Was genervt hat, war die Voreinstellung ohne Sprachausgabe und Untertitel, weshalb ich direkt nochmal neu starten musste, nachdem ich einen Dialog verpasst hab. Und zum Glück erklären aktuellere Titel von AC die Steuerung ingame besser, so dass ich nicht 30 Minuten nach einem Weg suche, den ich nicht brauche. 😉

#September #acblackflag

Last updated 1 year ago

Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1808 followers · 1202 posts · Server
Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1806 followers · 1146 posts · Server
Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1801 followers · 888 posts · Server
Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1799 followers · 743 posts · Server
Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1799 followers · 1072 posts · Server
Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1799 followers · 1049 posts · Server
Open-Access-Büro Berlin · @openaccess
382 followers · 138 posts · Server

Guten Montagmorgen! Wir haben angefangen, die Veranstaltungshinweise für die nächste Zeit in unser Blog zu stellen. Im Vergleich zum vollen merkt man, dass im Urlaubszeit ist 🏖️ - wir freuen uns dennoch sehr, wenn ihr uns noch weitere Veranstaltungen in schickt die wir einpflegen können 📆

#September #august #berlin #brandenburg #openaccess #openresearch #openscience

Last updated 1 year ago

Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1796 followers · 1058 posts · Server
Gopi Adusumilli :verified: · @gopi
1794 followers · 503 posts · Server
Ryan Anderson · @pugmajere
40 followers · 18 posts · Server

I think what's going on with the Fediverse right now is that it's very much still .

In the sense of of course.


Last updated 2 years ago

Pleased to join the US- led commemoration of 11 & blood & food drive. Congratulations to the Skopje Red Cross and Institute for Transfusion Medicine.



Last updated 2 years ago


hits 127 , setting for HOTTEST day on the

Sure, it was hot across the region, but was it Death Valley hot?

The national park, famous for being one of the hottest places on the planet, set a new record for the hottest September day anywhere on the planet when its thermometer hit 127 degrees on Thursday.

While the heat may send people seeking shade at a, say, a Los Angeles-area , it actually draws the to Death Valley, where scorching temperatures can sometimes surprise them.

"The ground heats up, we've measured temperatures of 201 as far as ground temperatures. The ground is then radiating heat back up into the air," Death Valley National Park spokeswoman Abby Wines said.

But the heat wave is just in its third day Friday, and is expected to last through Labor Day, so setting another record is still a possibility. However, it's unlikely the park will break the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth – 134 degrees recorded in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

The record-breaking heat comes less than a month after monsoon rain caused flash flooding in Death Valley National Park, severely damaging several roads.

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#INTERNATONAL_TECH_NEWS #Death_Valley #degrees #record #September #planet #los_angeles #Furnace_Creek #golf_course #tourists

Last updated 2 years ago


\ preparing to SUE over Digital Ad Market '' as soon as .

Inc unit the market

The DOJ’s ad tech probe.. after nearly a during which took little to ??

Inc is also by the DOJ in relation to its tight over the .

Attorney William Barr sued the Mountain View, California-based company to .

In December 2020, attorneys general for 16 and also Google for ...

Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners []

#big_tech #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #usa #doj #google #Domination #September #Alphabet #ILLEGALLY_DOMINATES #digital_advertising #decade #regulators #NO_ACTION #Apple #under_investigation #control #APP_STORE #LOCK_OUT #COMPETITION #states #Puerto_Rico #sued #monopolizing

Last updated 2 years ago

Markus Ferber · @MarkusFerber
2 followers · 309 posts · Server

: Du bist gut im ✍️ , 🖼️ oder 🎥 drehen? - Dann mach mit unter: ! Zu gewinnen gibt’s drei bezahlte der 🇪🇺 -Fraktion, Trips nach und -Einladungen zum Youth Event im !


#lastchance #schreiben #zeichnen #videos #Praktika #EVP #Brüssel #VIP #September #EU #Europa

Last updated 2 years ago