I was among the coast redwoods of California in 2006, staying in small cabins among the big trees, it was heavenly, I saw a silver fox one night. I wrote some poems about these trees in my quietest (fourth) collection, The Treekeeper’s Tale. #coastredwood #tree #poetry #TheTreekeeper’sTale #SerenBooks #bigtrees
#coastredwood #tree #poetry #thetreekeeper #SerenBooks #bigtrees
On the eve of my 69th birthday I’m posting good things that have helped me get this far. Today it’s 4 collections shortlisted for the #tseliotprize, #TheZooFather (2001), #TheHuntress (2005), #WhattheWaterGaveMe: Poems after #FridaKahlo (2010) & #Fauverie (2014) @#SerenBooks #ecopoetry
#tseliotprize #TheZooFather #TheHuntress #WhattheWaterGaveMe #FridaKahlo #Fauverie #SerenBooks #ecopoetry
On the eve of my 69th birthday I’m posting good things that have helped me get this far. Today it’s 4 collections shortlisted for the #tseliotprize, #TheZooFather (2001), #TheHuntress (2005), #WhattheWaterGaveMe: Poems after #FridaKahlo (2010) & #Fauverie (2014) @#SerenBooks #ecopoetry
#tseliotprize #TheZooFather #TheHuntress #WhattheWaterGaveMe #FridaKahlo #Fauverie #SerenBooks #ecopoetry