Very sad news that Jane Birkin has died at the age of 76. A real icon and a constant source of joy, both with Serge and on her own.
#MastoArt #SergeGainsbourg #onthisdayinmusic #JaneBirkin
🎧 Salted Caramelody (Nelson)"
#SergeGainsbourg (1971)
#SergeGainsbourg #HashtagGames #donutasongbookorshow
serge has a question for you.
#art #gainsbarre #sergeGainsbourg #extremementpop #soFrench #music
('qui est in qui est out' - 1966)
#Music #sofrench #extremementpop #SergeGainsbourg #gainsbarre #Art
la laideur a ceci de supérieur à la beauté qu'elle ne disparaît pas avec le temps.'
#art #history: a bumper crop of gainsbarres to mark his birth (#otd in 1928).
#sergeGainsbourg was far from parfait - & really tested the boundaries of his public's (& my!) love for him. if you can't find a song you adore amongst the genre-bending scads of his 22-year canon, you're impossible to please. he'd have been 95 today - if only his smoke-&-drink-fuelled dreams of immortality had come to pass. #mastoArt
#MastoArt #SergeGainsbourg #otd #History #Art
Remembering Serge Gainsbourg, born 2 April 1928.
#bridgettebardot #JaneBirkin #SergeGainsbourg
#KidCreoleandtheCoconuts feat. #CoryDaye, Loving You Made A Fool Out Of Me
#PetraLang, #Wagner, #DieWalküre, WMV 86B, Act II: So sah ich Siegvater nie
#BigStar, Watch The Sunrise
#Rosalía, Chiri
#GarnetMimmsandTheEnchanters, Cry Baby
#NeilYoungandCrazyHorse, Cinnamon Girl
#SteveHillage, Four Ever Rainbow (Part 3)
#MuddyWaters, Got My Mojo Working
#SergeGainsbourg and #BrigitteBardot, Bonnie and Clyde
#BrigitteBardot #SergeGainsbourg #MuddyWaters #stevehillage #neilyoungandcrazyhorse #garnetmimmsandtheenchanters #rosalia #BigStar #diewalkure #wagner #petralang #corydaye #kidcreoleandthecoconuts #TheMorningLine
'mais qui existe sans amour?'
#SergeGainsbourg #silentsunday
Wishing a very happy birthday to #JaneBirkin, born 14 December 1946.
#SergeGainsbourg #onthisdayinmusic #JaneBirkin
Wishing a very happy birthday to #JaneBirkin, born 14 December 1946.
#SergeGainsbourg #onthisdayinmusic #JaneBirkin
Les grands albums #francophones des années 1960
Serge Gainsbourg et Brigitte Bardot – Bonnie and Clyde (Fontana, 1968). Rien n'évoque l'atmosphère enfumée et la merveilleuse étrangeté de la pop française des années 1960 comme cette collection de performances en solo et en duo du Bardot semi-accordé et du maussade Gainsbourg. "Bonnie and Clyde" est l'une des plus grandes tranches de pop cinématographique jamais consacrées au vinyle.
#SergeGainsbourg #disques #francais #musique #frenchpop #francophones
#NYJ, #B&T residing in #Manhattan since 1976, comfortable. #PaulAuster #TerrySouthern #WilliamGaddis #WilliamGoldman #WilliamJames #JamesThurber #AllenToussaint #YoLaTengo #DavidYazbek #TheBandsVisit #HollyCole #Leopoldstadt #JaneBirken #SergeGainsbourg #TheFanMan #OrsonWelles #ErnstLubitsch #PrestonSturges #MichaelTolkin #CharlesKaufman #FrancisCoppola #ComdenandGreen #LeonardBernstein #CharlesPeters #TomWolfe #JoanDidion #NormanMailer #HunterThompson #TerryGilliam #UmaThurman #HedyLamarr
#hedylamarr #UmaThurman #terrygilliam #HunterThompson #NormanMailer #JoanDidion #TomWolfe #CharlesPeters #LeonardBernstein #ComdenandGreen #FrancisCoppola #CharlesKaufman #MichaelTolkin #PrestonSturges #ernstlubitsch #orsonwelles #TheFanMan #SergeGainsbourg #JaneBirken #Leopoldstadt #HollyCole #TheBandsVisit #DavidYazbek #yolatengo #AllenToussaint #JamesThurber #WilliamJames #williamgoldman #WilliamGaddis #TerrySouthern #PaulAuster #manhattan #b #nyj