claude · @mathr
287 followers · 2739 posts · Server

Kalles Fraktaler 2 + development is mostly stopped from my side.

Here are some KF2+:

- FractalShades (Python)
- Fractal Zoomer (Java)
- Fraktaler 3 (C++)

For more details see:

Important KF bug fixes may still be released from time to time, but I do not have enough time to implement the () optimisation in this project.

BLA is much better than and (which is called NanoMB1 in KF), in terms of efficiency of calculations, generality of applicability, simplicity of implementation, and robustness of results.

#burningship #MandelbrotSet #mandelbrot #fractal #escapetime #DeepZoom #zoom #deep #fast #Fraktaler #Kalles #KallesFraktaler2 #KallesFraktaler #KF2 #kf #BivariateSeriesApproximation #SeriesApproximation #bla #BilinearApproximation #alternativeto

Last updated 2 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

KF 2.14.10 released! Highlights:


Big changelog this time: read it and download from
(binaries for 64bit Windows run in Wine on Linux where I do my coding, cross-compiling using )

#MINGW64 #SeriesApproximation #perturbation #software #DeepZoom #burningship #mandelbrot #fractal #kf #KallesFraktaler2

Last updated 4 years ago