During an experiment in 2018 we came up with PALOs
Player Actions with Learning Objectives
and you might like them too if you are trying to name things in games http://www.priscillaharing.info/palo-player-actions-with-a-learning-objective/ #SeriousGaming #play #gamesresearch
#SeriousGaming #play #gamesresearch
Co-wrote this some time ago (2011) but I think this chapter is still a very good place to start with understanding more about the psychology behind serious gaming & the process of game.
Freely available on Researchgate:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267568986_Understanding_Serious_Gaming_A_Psychological_Perspective #mediapsychology #SeriousGaming #play
#mediapsychology #SeriousGaming #play